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Bus don't stop at bus stop

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Hello MBS builders.

Great the new version 7, Top work.(y)

The last time, Goetz had made another report on road traffic without switches. TOP Goetz. (y)

I've been trying to build on this for quite some time now, but without success.
I just can't get the bus to go to its stop.

Have used Goetz's example and scaled it down to use as as example.

Hope you MBS can help me with this.

Yours sincerely.


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Hello Ger,

in your scaled down version, the depots have multiple empty entries in their target list.
Also, the special treatment of trailer vehicles isn't required here.

Instead, you may use the same method to guide the buses into the bus stop.

Here's your reduced layout with the required changes:   sample with bus stop.mbp

Both depots now have proper target lists.
And "Auto verlässt ein Autohaus" now contains a condition which checks for a variable "Bus".

Kind regards

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vor 47 Minuten schrieb simonjackson1964:

the bus still doesn't stop...

Well, of course it doesn't. Nor will it continue it's journey when you do stop it.
Because you never set these events up.

I only mended the path finding for you. Because that is what you asked for.

One step at a time, Simon.
What good would a fully functioning demo do, if you don't understand each aspect?


Bearbeitet von Goetz
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vor 41 Minuten schrieb ger klunder:

are you going to make a part 2 about road traffic without switches

I want to, yes.
But not at the moment. I have to be in the right mood to make these videos.

Sorry for being such an unreliable contributor. I wish I could do better.

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