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I have two items for a little help please...

1) Can I add, say, 1 minute to the current time and use this result to make an event trigger at that time.   Complicated?  Train released from Depot.  Arrives at Signal at 14:27.  Need to notify user a train will arrive at 14:30.  Then release train into system at 14:30.

2) Can I display the system timers on a "TEXT" panel ?


Thanks in advance




vor 3 Stunden schrieb georgeb:

Can I add, say, 1 minute to the current time

Yes George, you can.
And it's really easy too:

Insert the action "deferr execution" from the time control category at the appropriate place



vor 3 Stunden schrieb georgeb:

Can I display the system timers on a "TEXT" panel ?

Yes, you can do that too.



Kind regards


Thanks for "defer execution" suggestion.  So obvious but .......

It was a TIMER I wish to display not the TIME.  Any ideas.:D


Thanks for all your help.  It makes my hobby so much easier to enjoy.







Hi George, Happy New Year!

I think this question was already answered?

I don't think it's possible to put the value of a timer onto a display in the layout. But if all you want to do is monitor it to make sure it's working, you can use the Event Analysis tool:


Add the timers to the list using the + symbol


The only reason I can think of to put a timer display into a layout is if you are releasing trains manually "against the clock"?

In this case, I have come up with a rather complex solution that works

Create two number variables, Mins and secs. Set each to your start values.

Create a timer that expires every second and restarts automatically. When it expires, if secs is 0, then if mins is 0, do whatever you want to do when the full timer expires. If secs is zero but mins is not, subtract 1 from mins and set secs to 59, otherwise subtract 1 from secs.

Create three labels: Label-M, Colon and Label-S. Colon, you set to ":", line all three up, and at the end of the the event add actions to set Label-M = Mins and Label-S = Secs.

It's not elegant, but it will do what you want


vor 5 Stunden schrieb georgeb:

It was a TIMER I wish to display not the TIME.

I'm sorry, George.
I didn't pay enough attention.

There's no direct means by which you can read out the remaining time of a timer.
Simon already said so. And offered a solution too.

Personally, I would use two timers to achieve what you asked for.
One for the actual event. A second one (with a period of 1 second) for the countdown until the first timer has expired.

Here's an example:  7563B6DE-7D2C-43CC-BACF-01407F057322

Kind regards


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
vor 4 Stunden schrieb georgeb:

What are these referencing please?

I'm sorry, George - didn't realise that you cannot know this

The number is the content ID of the demo layout which I uploaded for you.

On the start page of the 3D train studio, select the online catalog.
Then transfer the Content ID into the search field at the top right:



Kind regards

Bearbeitet von Goetz
typing errors corrected

This system never ceases to surprise me - like your knowledge.

Can I ask another??   When creating a User defined event, there is a reference to parameters at the top of the screen.  If I set a parameter, how do I include it in the User defined event??



Thank you again.




Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hello George,


vor 52 Minuten schrieb georgeb:

If I set a parameter, how do I include it in the User defined event??

When you create a user-defined event ...




... you'll typically want to call this event at another place.



Here is where you pass your specific information on to the parameters that you established in the event's description

Inside the user defined event, you can access the parameters via the "trigger" entry:


And if you're wondering where the name "trigger" comes from, here's the answer.   :D
Sorry, I couldn't resist ... 

Kind regards



Bearbeitet von Goetz

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