220hotwheels Geschrieben 19. Januar 2022 Autor Geschrieben 19. Januar 2022 23 minutes ago, Dad3353 said: The LOD files and exchange texture, following on from previous post... Die LOD-Dateien und die Austauschtextur, die an den vorherigen Beitrag anknüpfen ... Adle_Trai_2.zip 2.56 MB · 1 download Well Douglas, what can I say! you're an absolute star. The trailer is brilliant. Now to the tricky stuff. The only program I have on my computer at the moment is Paint and I've only ever used it when having to convert a screenshot from a .png to a jpg file, that's it. Back in the days of first starting out with 3d Studio I did download both blender and Gimp but quite frankly I simply could not make any sense out of either. In the past I have used Coral but that was many years ago and having taken a brief look at the present cost I decided to remain ignorant, now that I am good at!!! So I will have to see if I can download Photoshop and give that a try. I'll let you know how I get on. In the meantime many thanks for taking the trouble to assist me. Pete
Dad3353 Geschrieben 19. Januar 2022 Geschrieben 19. Januar 2022 1 hour ago, 220hotwheels said: ...see if I can download Photoshop and give that a try... PM sent ...
Dad3353 Geschrieben 21. Januar 2022 Geschrieben 21. Januar 2022 (bearbeitet) The tractor is coming along nicely... Der Traktor kommt gut voran... Bearbeitet 21. Januar 2022 von Dad3353
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