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Target setting by EV or Lua


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Hello, only a small wish, but maybe difficult to implement, I dont know.

Is it possible to give the error in the analyser for set vehicle target, if there is no route found to that target.
When we do it manually we get :"No valid route found", as it should. The analyser let it go.


Thanks for reading, kind regards, Herman

Bearbeitet von Herman
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vor 22 Minuten schrieb Herman:

Is it possible to give the error in the analyser for set vehicle target

With Lua, you may check, if a vehicle has a valid target

vehicle.target = $("Destination Contact")

if vehicle.target then
  $("Label").text = vehicle.target.name
  $("Label").text = "fail"

if the attempt to set a target failed, the "target" property is empty and as such "false".

kind regards

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