leo.lindhout Geschrieben 16. Juni 2022 Geschrieben 16. Juni 2022 Spricht hier einer English oder Holländisch, das wäre für mir ein bisschen einfacher! In meine Anlage habe ich nach dem letzten update heute Fehler und ich möchte die update zurück drehen <ist das auch möglich??
Goetz Geschrieben 16. Juni 2022 Geschrieben 16. Juni 2022 (bearbeitet) vor 10 Minuten schrieb leo.lindhout: ich möchte die update zurück drehen Hi leo, if you can explain the faults which are caused by the latest update, @Neo can fix the cause and you won't need to revert to an older version. That would be the preferrable solution. Greets Goetz Bearbeitet 16. Juni 2022 von Goetz
leo.lindhout Geschrieben 16. Juni 2022 Autor Geschrieben 16. Juni 2022 Thank for your answer, my time for today is over, and I have to study how to formulate those problems. Like the famous man I say : I'll be back! Undoing the last update would be more easy, my whole set-up was running almost perfect!
Goetz Geschrieben 16. Juni 2022 Geschrieben 16. Juni 2022 vor 37 Minuten schrieb leo.lindhout: Undoing the last update would be more easy For you, yes. But Neo is very particular about updates not upsetting any existing layouts. And on the rare occasion that this happens, he'd love to have detailed info about the issue, so he can investigate and fix it. I know, it's an effort but he'd appreciate it if you could find the time and energy?
Neo Geschrieben 16. Juni 2022 Geschrieben 16. Juni 2022 Hi Leo, the current update ( only has a small fix for old layouts coming from V6 and older, current layouts are not affected by the fix. So we need more information to check if the update is actually causing your problems. Kind regards, Neo
leo.lindhout Geschrieben 20. Juni 2022 Autor Geschrieben 20. Juni 2022 Indeed I was wrong. I made changes that caused the problems, it had nothing to do with the update. I thought so because I saw the problems after the update. Thank you!
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