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Tract Contact settings erased over time

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I'm looking for some insight on this issue -- I've noticed that the settings on several track contacts will become erased / reset, and I will have to go back and reapply the values for each state. The signal that the contact is connected to will remain, just the acceleration / deceleration speed settings and direction arrows will be reset to 0 / none. This will happen at random times and track contacts.

Is this a common / known issue?



Ich suche nach einem Einblick in dieses Problem - ich habe festgestellt, dass die Einstellungen für mehrere Gleiskontakte gelöscht / zurückgesetzt werden und ich zurückgehen und die Werte für jeden Zustand erneut anwenden muss. Das Signal, mit dem der Kontakt verbunden ist, bleibt bestehen, nur die Beschleunigungs- / Verzögerungsgeschwindigkeitseinstellungen und Richtungspfeile werden auf 0 / keine zurückgesetzt. Dies geschieht zu zufälligen Zeiten und verfolgt Kontakte.

Ist das ein häufiges/bekanntes problem?



Thank you!


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vor 2 Stunden schrieb michaeljstinsman:

the acceleration / deceleration speed settings and direction arrows will be reset to 0 / none. This will happen at random times and track contacts.

Is this a common / known issue?

Hello Michael,
this is not a known issue.

I'll need to inspect your layout, to figure out what might be causing the misbehaviour.

Kind regards

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Is there a reason you're using road traffic lights rather than railway signals? The railway signals have a track contact built in (from version 6 onwards) and from V7 on the route system basically handles the signalling and interlocking for you.

I have to say, it's almost certainly something in your code that is causing the contact properties to change.

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9 hours ago, simonjackson1964 said:

Is there a reason you're using road traffic lights rather than railway signals? The railway signals have a track contact built in (from version 6 onwards) and from V7 on the route system basically handles the signalling and interlocking for you.

I have to say, it's almost certainly something in your code that is causing the contact properties to change.

The main reason for the traffic signals is just that I didn't like any of the available rail signals, and found it easier to customize everything this way (They are placeholders while I figure out how to properly model). I'm curious what code could be affecting this, as far as I know there's no Lua script that can alter the contact properties.


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