Phil Geschrieben 17. Juni Geschrieben 17. Juni (Antwort auf Deutsch willkommen) I already looked through the wiki and forum but failed to find an answer to the following question. While developing layouts, I have often defined my 'own' textures, animations, and X models, stored in .JPG, .anim, and .x files. Now for reasons unrelated to 3D-MbS I want to move all these files to a different directory. Of course if I do so all my layouts will break as they fail to find the necessary files, but I also do not want to update all my files path names in all the layouts. Is there a 'central' way to tell 3D-MbS or at least every individual layout that the files have moved to a new directory? (I have seen the wiki post about Wie kann ich meine Anlagen und Kataloginhalte auf einen anderen Computer übertragen? So, of course I could export the layouts and import them again, or backup the whole database and restore it. That may restore the layouts but it will not unpack the files to a new directory of my choice ... or will it? Indeed, I want to retain and be able to reuse all those .jpg, .anim, and .x files in other layouts. Thx for any word of wisdom.
HWB Geschrieben 20. Juni Geschrieben 20. Juni Hallo @Phil, bei V8 gehst Du auf Einstellungen Auf dem alten Rechner machst Du eine Sicherung die Du auf einen Stick sicherst, und auf dem Zielrechner sicherst Du den Catalog zurück Gruß Hermann
Neo Geschrieben 20. Juni Geschrieben 20. Juni Am 17.6.2024 um 16:06 schrieb Phil: I have often defined my 'own' textures, animations, and X models, stored in .JPG, .anim, and .x files. Once you've imported these files into the model catalog, the files are not accessed by the studio anymore, so you can move them freely around. If you want to transfer your catalog files (including all custom textures, 3D models etc), follow the Wiki or HWB. Kind regards, Neo
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