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Eric Lord

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  1. Thanks again Goetz. Can you please tell me how to access my past posts. Thanks Eric
  2. Good morning, I asked about this problem some weeks ago and Goetz solved it for me, but the same thing has happened again and I can't find his answer. The proble is that part of the switches aren't showing. Goetz told me to alter a setting on the base board so if he could get back to me that would be great. Thanks Eric
  3. Thanks again Goetz. It's all OK now Eric
  4. Thanks again Goetz. The reason I didn't reply to your message saying that I should learn how to do a screen shot was because I only got to sèe it after another person sent a reply. I then found that I couldn't reply directly to you for some reason and that was why I posted the pictures on the forum. I still can't do a screen shot but found a program called Snagit. I will look at the base ths evening and get back to you. Eric
  5. Hello Goetz, After reading your reply to simonjackson1964 how about if I deleted my base again and then installed a new as before. But how do I set the zposition to 0 so this doesn't happen again or can I do this without deleting this base I have now. Thanks for any help as always. Eric
  6. Thanks again Eric
  7. Thanks Brummi, Now how do I raise the tracks please. Eric
  8. Thank you to the people who have replied. Here are some shots of the problem. Eric
  9. I had to reinstall my base board last week. Since doing so I have noticed that in all three views that when I add a switch point that the short straight end next to the turn out isn't showing although the rest of the switch is. When I add a track piece to this now invisible end it shows green as though connected. Any help is appreciated. Thanking you in advance. Eric Lord
  10. Hi Goetz, It's easy when you know how. You will be happy to know that I think that's all for now, but I shall probably be back sometime in the future I would think when I start to landscape. Thank you again for all your help. Best wishes, Eric
  11. Hi Goetz, Thank you that's done the trick. Just one more thing if I may ask you. In technical mode how do I the grid a larger area as the rails are now off both edges, I am sorry about this but I have forgotten how to do it. Thanks again.
  12. Hi Goetz, No there's only me here. Where do I find a fresh base board in the catalogue I think that's the best way forward. I assume that if I do this method then the grd will come back in Technical mode and the stock wooden in both 3d and 2d modes or will I have to do each one separately. It could be that it's going to be tomorrow before I can get around to doing it but if you can steer me in the right direction I may be able to have a look later today depending on circumstances. Thanks again. Eric
  13. Back again, When I am in technical mode the ground colour is a very dark grey.
  14. Hello Goetz When I open Structure view all I see is a list of all the track pieces extra I have used. There is no list like the one in your screenshot. Thanks again for all your help. Eric
  15. Hi Goetz, Just some extra information. I think that it's V8. It's the one with the black icon/shortcut with a white loco in the centre. Eric Show quoted text
  16. Morning Goetz, Sorry for the delay I didnt know how to reply before so I had to ask. Good to hear from you after all this time. In answer to your question I am using the latest version. Thanks Eric
  17. Hi Neo, I have tried a new layout and things are OK. I am not in simulation mode, both my layout and the new one are showing the crossed tools in the yellow short cut at the top of the page. I have to add that this isn't the first time that this has happened but before and I don't know how I have been successful in reversing the problem, this time whatever I do nothing changes. Thanks for your time. Eric
  18. Hi Neo, An update this morning Terrain surface was in bold this was in 2d mode. I then clicked on the plus sign and a new colour layer popped up which I activated but the grey was still there. O In Technical mode there was still no grid lines showing. I hope this helps you. Thanks again. Eric
  19. Hi Neo, Thanks for putting me right I will go back now and copy what I wanted you to know. Eric
  20. When replying to someone who has asked for extra information about one of my posts. Do I relpy by clicking on the arrow at the bottom of the page the same as replying to an email or do I have to reply using the forum in some way. I have replied to two gentlemen using the email method but not heard anything back since. Any help will be welcome. Thanks Eric
  21. Hi, Whilst designing a track layout in technical mode the base became gray in colour and I can't get the grid view back. This has also effected both 3d and 2d mode. Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance . Eric
  22. Thanks, Goetz, that's just what you did in the video. I will now have yet another try, so fingers crossed. Eric
  23. In a video by Goetz, he says that to form a valley/river that all the baseboard level needs to be raised. When all the board is highlighted in Hight Mode and a new height of +100 is inserted does this then need to be saved? Afterwards, he says to go into the X, Y, Z coordinates and insert -100 in the Z coordinate box, Do I then have to click on the reset button for this to activate? Thanks for any help. Eric
  24. Thanks, Pete I'll give it a try. I think that I have a spare USB stick. Eric
  25. Hi Goetz, Yes, it's a mystery.
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