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Thank You @Phrontistes .... I thought I tried that and could only reduce it to 5.48 in length. Then I though that was it's minimum. After reading your post, I went back and edited the "track" and it worked. Now I'm questioning my mental state !!!!!
If it's possible I could use a shorter virtual track for people movement. Situation ... people climbing stairs .... ??? Ran across a layout using a combo of portals and virtual tracks to "climb" stairs. A very clever idea ! The problem I ran across is the smallest virtual track I can have is longer than most steps used in objects. So people must climb two or more steps at a time. Other situations I have had, related with moving people, a shorter track would have been desirable. A rare application I realize ... if it's possible, and not a pain !
Thanks for the reply .... I'm looking at all the settings that NVIDIA software manages under 3D management. There are 30+ settings, some of which I have no idea if to say Y/N , disable, Auto, Performance, Quality, 2X/4X .... etc. I initially ran a couple of programs to "optimize" the graphics when I acquired my new computer ... thinking some setting may be playing havoc with 3D Studio. If I find a setting that removes the problem I'll report. If I don't, then back to the shop it goes.
I'll live with it since I can get rid of it by changing aliasing settings every once in a while. But it seems strange that the only program affected is 3D Studio !
Anyone else experiencing graphics display problems . My system displays square blocks of distorted graphics during both the event manager pages and the simulation. If I change the aliasing setting within 3D Studio, it goes away for a short period of time , then returns. Doesn't matter if it's off or on. Just change the setting from what it is to another option. Happens with the "water" from the Extra menu particularly bad. Nvidia Graphics Card I7 Processor
Subroutine simulation in 3D-Modellbahn Studios
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Thanks for the help and the complete description of the matter. It would have taken me quite awhile to stumble onto that solution, for I was looking at a variable to be a single item . Most likely because when a list of options is displayed, it has variable , list and tables, as separate identities. Your explanation was very helpful ... the routine is now working very well .... Thank You BTY ... I have been struggling with that, off and on, for quite some time. -
Subroutine simulation in 3D-Modellbahn Studios
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
I don't know how to accomplish passing a "complete" list to another event. I'm attaching an example that's most likely incomplete. I have multiple Source and Destinations for a crane. Would like to pass the appropriate list (based on whatever) from the Main Program to a common Crane Routine. Any help will be appreciated. I have writers block on this ... have tried several methods ... none worked. Thanks .... User Defined - Passing List.mbp -
Subroutine simulation in 3D-Modellbahn Studios
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
German replies are OK ... I just use translate to English and it works well. Have a problem only when looking at a 3D Studio programs in German ... takes a lot of analysis ... sometimes I get the idea .... sometimes not. @gmd ... Thanks for the reply, I will look at the program structure to try and determine your methods. Many times I'm trying to do things in 3D Studio that are possible only in script. Currently I'm trying to pass a complete "List" to a user defined event, but I'm only getting the first Item. Now I'm trying in script, but I'm weak on the syntax. V9 has some nice added features. Thanks ............ -
Subroutine simulation in 3D-Modellbahn Studios
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
@Neo and @Phrontistes Attaching error file from error I have been experiencing. Happens when editing track and it seems to happen during slope adjustment. I changed the extension from .log to .pdf so I could sent here. I was able to open it in notepad. Error.pdf -
Subroutine simulation in 3D-Modellbahn Studios
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Good to know about the file. If it happens again. Ill send. I'm using V9 ... Good upgrade ... some nice features ! -
Inconsistent Action of Routes
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Yes that clears things up very well. Thanks @Goetz and @Phrontistes No wonder my cars behave badly !!!! -
Subroutine simulation in 3D-Modellbahn Studios
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
No Sir, didn't get a chance. Multi messages appeared in successive overlays very quickly then the whole screen went blank before I could even read them. Unless there is a file that records them, I haven't a clue what the code is. -
Subroutine simulation in 3D-Modellbahn Studios
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
That's why I stated User Defined OR Script Condition. The word or was sort of hidden because I emphasized the two commands. Sorry ! I did realize there was a difference ! Enjoying V9 ..... one problem I had is the program bombed out on me twice tonight while laying track and using slopes. Displayed a succession of error messages quickly, then jumped completely out of the program. Lost my work twice. Darn Bug's will show their face on new versions ! -
I have had mixed results while using routes on railroads and automobile highways. I use "when entering a contact" event to initiate an event. However the route is not always followed. Sometimes, if I edit the "junction" ( i.e. Intersection or Turnout) and select that route, that path will become available. Then sometime later may not be available. Question: When using "Routes Only" to change "paths", do you need to also assign "switch" positions also or NOT. I have tried both and seem to still have an inconsistent result. Feel I'm not executing routes correctly. Are there do's and don't when using Routes ? Any help appreciated. "Routes Only" = With automobile traffic, I'm presently using a random number generator to choose a route to add some variability to traffic flow.
Gebäude und andere Objekte (z.B. Straßen) altern (nachträglich bemalen)
hmclay antwortete auf Spurwechsels Thema in Feature-Wünsche
Is it possible to import a catalog item directly (drag and drop or something) into a graphics program and alter that items color/aging ? Do you need the original source file ? -
Subroutine simulation in 3D-Modellbahn Studios
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
I Posted: however the calling event goes to the next line of code without waiting for the script to complete. Therefor, I would need to put a defer action line in to wait for the script to do it's task(s). Phrontistes Responded: OK .... I understand - it's a limitation of object-oriented language. I will continue my work arounds as others have done now that I know it's not possible. If I need to wait for a called user defined event to finish, I can handle that. I now know that I'm not mis-interpreting the use of user-defined or script-condition. Thanks to Phrontistes and BahnLand and NEO and all, for consideration and clarification. -
Subroutine simulation in 3D-Modellbahn Studios
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
If I understand @BahnLand example, it was written in Lua script language. What I was trying to infer was that subroutine call and return be included in Train Studio language . I have tried using script condition within an event, then go and perform a task and come back to the event, however the calling event goes to the next line of code without waiting for the script to complete. Therefor, I would need to put a defer action line in to wait for the script to do it's task(s). Am I explaining adequately, or do I not understand how to use Train Studio Language correctly. I am not proficient in Lua, so I only use it sparingly and mostly from published routines or very small math and crane operations. Therefore would like to have the function in Train Studio Language. -
Here is the response after hitting Buy .... this correct ??? BTW: The Lighting effect is stunning !
V9 download states I can have professional version if I enter my license no. Where do I find that. Tried buying from 8.5 , wants credit card no.
Need Help Finding a Layout ..... Sandrea and Burton
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Yes that's the layout. I submitted it to SCARM years ago. Igor Hernandez took the layout from SCARM and duplicated it in 3D Studio. SCARM was a static layout program and had just started developing a run time provision when I ran across 3D Studio. Was just hoping it was shared on this forum. The layout on youtube was presented years ago, but I will do as NEO suggested and see if he responds. Thanks BTW; I have a new Sandea and Burton in 3D Studio, but that is the one that is 7.3 MB with sound. Too large to post and I cannot post with sound. -
Need Help Finding a Layout ..... Sandrea and Burton
hmclay hat Thema erstellt in [International] Problems and solutions
Searching Youtube I found the layout Sandrea and Burton by Igor Hernandez highlighting 3D Studio It referenced a layout I posted to SCARM software years ago before finding 3D Studio. Here: https://www.scarm.info/layouts/track_plans.php?ltp=100 Can anyone tell me if this layout is available thru 3D Studio. The site did not post that very long identification number used for searching in 3D Studio. The author did a great job and I would like a copy. Any help appreciated ! Howard -
Subroutine simulation in 3D-Modellbahn Studios
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
I would like to have subroutine call/return in 3D Train Studio . Guessing it may be quite an involved undertaking. But sure would be a welcomed addition. Put a request in the supplied forum here ... -
Subroutine simulation in 3D-Modellbahn Studios
hmclay hat Thema erstellt in [International] Problems and solutions
I would like to have the function of "subroutine call & return" in 3D-Modellbahn Studios as implemented in other languages. -
Subroutine simulation in Lua
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Thanks simonjackson1964 for your suggestion. Languages I've used have all had this function so I thought I was missing the technique in this language. I'm so accustomed to it, that's how I plan some routines, then realize it doesn't work that way. Tried using script condition thinking it would give me that function, and when it didn't I thought maybe I was using it wrong. Sure would be a great addition to this great program ! -
Subroutine simulation in Lua
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Trying to come up with an explanation * Event: Train enters a track --- Shut off Engine --- Wait ( Defer Execution ) --- Trigger User defined Routine ( Unload Car->Pass Info) ......... Car Unloading using User Defined "Sub-routine"... Varying Lengths of time --- [ Program Waits here for subroutine (Unload Car) to finish ] ... could Script Condition be used ??? --- Trigger User defined Routine ( Unload Car->Pass Info) ......... Car Unloading using User Defined "Sub-routine"... Varying Lengths of time --- [ Program Waits here for subroutine (Unload Car) to finish ] --- Repeat as Needed --- Start Engine --- Depart for places unknown --- End of Event Hope this helps .... I've used this technique in other languages using sub-routine Calls/Return ... so I'm accustomed to it Can it be accomplished .... what techniques do others use. The only technique I've used is "Defer Execution " between "Trigger User Defined Event" commands ... Guessing short causes issues , sometimes difficult to track down ! Thanks for all responses ...