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Using Two Computers

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Hello badattitide77,

if you can use the TrainStudio on both computers, you can export your layout on the original computer to a mbp-file, and - after moving this to your 2nd computer, import it there. For exporting the layout, select "Save project as ..." in the menu, but then click to the Export-button (at the bottom left) instead of the Save-button. For importing the layout on the 2nd computer, select "My Projects" at the start page and then, select "import existing project" below the selection window.

Many greetings

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That saved the layout to "My Documents".  It appears the two computers have to be connected to one another, either through a LAN or a homegroup.  I guess this means layouts that aren't published to the web are saved on the hard drive of the computer they were built on, not making them accessible from the internet when logging on from a second computer at a remote location.

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Hi badattitude77,

you can change the storage location  to an usb stick. This you can use on both computers.

Or, the better way, you use a little NAS to store the database. Then you can access the layouts on both computers over the network. This works very great for me with three Computers.



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