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Two issues regarding the command interface


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1. I am sending a group of command 360s,  to find the location of rolling-stock at start-up of my plug-in. It's only 31 rolling-stock objects with 128 tracks total  but it takes 3.5 seconds to return. The time was fine before I added a bunch of trees and other decorations to the layout.

2. For some reason when I run Internet Explorer when my project is loaded it pretty much kills my computer. Though I guess the latter may be something I am not cleaning up right in the debug environment.

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Thanks for the layout, but I cannot reproduce your timings. My workflow is as following:

  1. Sending command 350 for retrieving all rolling stock in the layout
  2. Sending command 10 for beginning the command group
  3. For each rolling stock returned by 1, sending command 360 for retrieving the track
  4. Sending command 11 for finishing the command group
  5. For each rolling stock, reading the result of command 360

All steps are performed within 60 ms, without a command group approx. 500 ms. Hiding other objects does not affect the timings. The layout runs at 200 FPS.

Kind regards,


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14 hours ago, Neo said:

Thanks for the layout, but I cannot reproduce your timings. My workflow is as following:

  1. Sending command 350 for retrieving all rolling stock in the layout
  2. Sending command 10 for beginning the command group
  3. For each rolling stock returned by 1, sending command 360 for retrieving the track
  4. Sending command 11 for finishing the command group
  5. For each rolling stock, reading the result of command 360

All steps are performed within 60 ms, without a command group approx. 500 ms. Hiding other objects does not affect the timings. The layout runs at 200 FPS.

Kind regards,


hmmm.... weird then...
200FPS.... wow.. I get that if I zoom out to cloud level in 3D... then it reads at 250ms. Do you have a dot net system over there... maybe u can run my code in the IDE and see if it's just my system.



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Sigh... my bad... Apparently I had a slew of unnecessary variable set commands in the Q I didn't know about... 

I hate multi-threaded code.

Sorry for wasting your time again.... thanks for checking though :)


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@ Neo,

... if i do so...

  1. Sending command 350 for retrieving all rolling stock in the layout
  2. Sending command 10 for beginning the command group
  3. For each rolling stock returned by 1, sending command 360 for retrieving the track
  4. Sending command 11 for finishing the command group
  5. For each rolling stock, reading the result of command 360

with that layout and my template it will take 20ms ... 30ms @60 FPS (VertSync=on)... but only if MBS is shown...
when i minimize MBS it will take 160ms...280ms... why?


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Hi Easy,

vor 2 Stunden schrieb EASY:

when i minimize MBS it will take 160ms...280ms... why

MBS automatically enters a "sleep mode" when it gets minimized to not waste too much resources. In sleep mode, the render loop is limited to 10 FPS.

Kind regards,


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