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MBS-Controller "Sandox"


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I have this sand box layout to test my plug-in login, I though some of you might want to see it..
Currently FIFTY locos all automatically speed controlled and navigated.
Sorry about the frame rate.. my video capture thing REALLY kills the performance.... it looks a lot smoother and faster live.

Here some screen grabs of the important control forms








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Hello Trevor,

why do you not use te video grabber plugin from Neo (Plugin "Video-Aufzeichnung" in the "Simulation" section)? This plugin grabs the scenario in single step mode, so that the ready video is replayed without any frame rate problems.

I see, you like "anthills" :D:D:D.
If you like to see another one, look for the layout "Auto-Bahn (Betrieb)" within the category "Mittlere Anlagen" (middle size layouts) of the online catalog. :)

Many greetings

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10 minutes ago, BahnLand said:

Hello Trevor,

why do you not use te video grabber plugin from Neo (Plugin "Video-Aufzeichnung" in the "Simulation" section)? This plugin grabs the scenario in single step mode, so that the ready video is replayed without any frame rate problems.

I see, you like "anthills" :D:D:D.
If you like to see another one, look for the layout "Auto-Bahn (Betrieb)" within the category "Mittlere Anlagen" (middle size layouts) of the online catalog. :)

Many greetings

:) You are right it is a bit of an ant farm... the auto-bahn is cool too.

I tried that plug in... but I got this...


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Hi trevor,

great work(y) ... it seems to get something like Rockrail <-> RockStudio Plugin.

.. as i understand your client you always "fire" the group command (command 10 / 11) to MBS... and i think this got a higher priority then a "normal" command.
... maybe there is to much traffic to use it together with the "Video-Aufzeichnung" plugin (your picture shows a lost synchonisation) (? [supposition])



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