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retreive my layout


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About 2 weeks ago, I was quite finishing the design of my layout Z-ADM-JAN-8-2018.  And my computer falls down!  I needed 2 weeks and some helps to repair and now, I'm back.

BUT I couldn't find my layout back.  Unfortunatally, I never save it and distribute in the community (It wasn't ready yet!).

Question : How to retreive my layout or is it cancelled for some reason?

Thank you


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What you trying is not possible.
However, Windows or Linux ain´t able to capture "3D Modellbahstudio" as Meta-Data in Backup Services (File-Save /UDP/TCP/NTFS)
If you hadn´t stored your .mbp on an extented filestore there is a way to restore the data beside "Restore from Backup" (Linux or Windows).
Ask your local Admin to know how you can restore (mount) your old Device in HDD Slave/(Save) Mode. and reaload your .mbp file

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Am 12.2.2018 um 07:45 schrieb Neo:

Hi André,

I'm sorry but if you have not saved your layout elsewhere it is lost if your computer falls down.

Kind regards,


@NeoNo Problem. It´s the same Problem as every third party Software running on Linux or Windows had and have.

Edited by qju
Geometrie ^^
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The problem is elsewhere.  When I said "I never save it"I mean I never save it to the community!  But, in fact, each time before closing the application, I saved my project using the "SAVE" buttom.

BUT I discovered that installing the 3D software from scratch after a "clean Windows installation makes the saved projects unavaillable to the new 3D application.  It seems that in this case, I'm considered as a NEW user instead of a old one restarting from a new 3D installation.

If i'm right, please tell me how to get my projects back.

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Hi André,

all of your layouts are stored in the folder "C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\3D-Modellbahn Studio\Catalog". If you have not saved this folder in the past, then there is no way to get your projects back. To backup the folder, you can use the "Backup database" option in the settings of 3D Train Studio.

Kind regards,


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vor 10 Stunden schrieb ademes:

"It seems that in this case, I'm considered as a NEW user instead of a old one restarting from a new 3D installation."

Yes, that is possible. It can be an Problem on Settings for File Attributes rwx (after WIn10 Re-install) also.
In this case, maybe ask your local system adim to restore the file permissions with WIndows10 "powershell" commands. 

on the other hand... 

an normal "legal" login, after reinstall the OS,  3D Modellbahnstudio does useing an email password identifikation system.
it cant  beeing an problem inside 3d Modellballbahn studio this way.  (third party software).
Also have each .MBP file an individual file-key ... 

it should also been no problems  if you had, anyday, (as NEO sayed ;) ) saved your "catalog-file" once (backup) on your hard-rive..


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