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Hello dear members,

I have a solution for the following but ... not entirely happy with it.

Task :
A track contact with autodecelleration = 0 is triggered by a train.
After some time :
If the train comes forward on that contact,  he must go back to the other direction. 
If the train comes backwards on that contact, he has to go on further in the same direction.

Suggestions for a more elegant solution ? 
If possible without capturing the current speed in the begin.
I did not find another solution to know if the train is triggering with positive speed, or negative speed.

Are there ? Probably yes.


Thanks for reading - suggestions,

Herman (BE)


Hello Herman,

  Am 20.5.2021 um 11:44 schrieb Herman:

Suggestions for a more elegant solution?


In both instances, your new speed is negative.
Deactivate the option "relative to driving direction" and you're done:


with kind regards


Hello Götz, 

Thanks, a logical and very elegant solution, we need only the -20 speed in this case indeed.
But I did not see it ... again and again.:( I focused to much on "relative to direction" and the condition.

I struggled longer with this one, and should come earlier to the forum. ( as you said before ... but maybe I was stubborn  ;) )

As always thank you very much, I appreciate it a lot !

Kind Regards,

Herman (BE)

PS. Why this question. I'm working on a project around a turntable, where I want the Loc always going backwards into the depot.  Works already nice...


Hello Herman, i really agree with you in that case. It's simple boring, if you're very close to find a solution, but however, a little link is always missing in it. You've tryed it again and again, but you can't find the right way. And as well, you don't want to blame yourself, but in the end you have to ask somebody. So it's really good, to get some help at that moment. When ever i've had any problem in this direction and this in several times until now, i've always got some good explanations from the "MBS Forum", especially from GoetzAnd i'm very thankful for that. Because otherways, one day i would have lost my interest to the MBS Studio, even it's an very exciting program. But that doesn't help you at all, if you don't understand the functions and everything which depends on it. Nice that your'e have fixed your problem.

kind regards  Atrus


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