220hotwheels Geschrieben 1. November 2021 Geschrieben 1. November 2021 Hi everyone I wonder if anyone else has found that some TC's seem to magically move off track every now and then. Perhaps it is something that I am doing that makes this happen. The only conclusion in that regard so far is that when moving my mouse over the layout I am inadvertently catching an object and causing it to move but it would seem to be rather coincidental that it only seems to affect TC's and the occasional piece of track. All of that said I have also noted that some cargo pads, locked to waggons, also seem to move every now and then and those are definitely not through anything that I have caught inadvertently. I am generally curious to know why this might happen and is there a solution short of applying some Gorilla glue!!!! Kind regards Pete
Goetz Geschrieben 1. November 2021 Geschrieben 1. November 2021 Am 1.11.2021 um 13:45 schrieb 220hotwheels: Perhaps it is something that I am doing that makes this happen. Erweitern That is the most likely explanation, Pete. Because it is not a common problem. What may be causing this is an inadvertent selection of objects using the lasso function. This happens to me on occasion, when I actually try to click an empty space in order to deselect stuff. I hold the mouse button a little too long and move the mouse at the same time. The result is that a few nearby objects are marked. I suggest you record one of your sessions. That would allow you to "spool back the tape" and watch exactly how it happened. Windows 10 has in inbuilt screenrecorder. Press the Windows key + G to open / close the widget menu, from where you my select screen recording. NVidia also offers a screen recorder for their graphics cards. It can be found in "GeForce Experience" Kind regards Goetz
Eggu Geschrieben 1. November 2021 Geschrieben 1. November 2021 I had the same or similar effect. When moving a group around with the mouse button pressed down, some parts of the group slightly moves a little bit slower or faster than the rest of the group, so for e.g. tracks and contacts lost their contacts. Might be I have a video clip of this, I have to look.
Eggu Geschrieben 1. November 2021 Geschrieben 1. November 2021 (bearbeitet) In this clip you can see a group-move, after some seconds, the contact (black/white) looses contact (then shows as grey). You also can see how tracks get separated. It is done in V6, I could not reproduce in v7. group-move-clip Bearbeitet 1. November 2021 von Eggu addition
220hotwheels Geschrieben 1. November 2021 Autor Geschrieben 1. November 2021 Am 1.11.2021 um 13:54 schrieb Goetz: That is the most likely explanation, Pete. Because it is not a common problem. What may be causing this is an inadvertent selection of objects using the lasso function. This happens to me on occasion, when I actually try to click an empty space in order to deselect stuff. I hold the mouse button a little too long and move the mouse at the same time. The result is that a few nearby objects are marked. I suggest you record one of your sessions. That would allow you to "spool back the tape" and watch exactly how it happened. Windows 10 has in inbuilt screenrecorder. Press the Windows key + G to open / close the widget menu, from where you my select screen recording. NVidia also offers a screen recorder for their graphics cards. It can be found in "GeForce Experience" Kind regards Goetz Erweitern Hi Goetz Many thanks for that. It certainly explains what I might be doing to cause this so I will have to be more careful in the future and take your advice with regard to recording via either Windows or Nvidia. It has taken me almost one hour to correct these errors, which is an hour I could have spent on more productive activities. That said it's all part of the learning curve!!! Kind regards Pete
220hotwheels Geschrieben 1. November 2021 Autor Geschrieben 1. November 2021 Am 1.11.2021 um 14:07 schrieb Eggu: I had the same or similar effect. When moving a group around with the mouse button pressed down, some parts of the group slightly moves a little bit slower or faster than the rest of the group, so for e.g. tracks and contacts lost their contacts. Might be I have a video clip of this, I have to look. Erweitern Hi Many thanks for your thoughts and the clip. That you have not been able to reproduce this in V7 is surprising. I seem to be able to make all kinds of mistakes in just about every version of the program that I have had, V4,V5,V6 and V7. It must just be one of my many talents!!! Kind regards Pete
Eggu Geschrieben 1. November 2021 Geschrieben 1. November 2021 Am 1.11.2021 um 14:41 schrieb 220hotwheels: That you have not been able to reproduce this in V7 is surprising. Erweitern yeep, just found the clip from 5 weeks ago, done with V7, same effect .. group-move in-V7
220hotwheels Geschrieben 1. November 2021 Autor Geschrieben 1. November 2021 Am 1.11.2021 um 14:56 schrieb Eggu: yeep, just found the clip from 5 weeks ago, done with V7, same effect .. group-move in-V7 Erweitern Well in a way I'm glad it did do it for you in V7 although I had hoped that my skills for messing things up was a unique skill solely attributable to me. Just goes to show that I'm not alone in the messing up department!! whether by chance , over enthusiasm, through a unique skill or just plain carelessness. I think I like the unique skill the most!! Kind regards Pete
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