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V6 -> V7 error ? Some tracks did not connect anymore.

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First a technical question. @Neo , when I have a V6 layout and I save it in V7, and should I publish this V7 layout again ( the same ID ) can V6 users still work with this layout ?

Why this question. I opened this V6 layout in V7 ( directly from the catalog) and saw the Heli comes to a stop on a decelerate to 10 contact before landing, and he must go on. So I went to my V6 account, but  there it worked fine, even the published one in the catalog. I moved only a tree a little, and published the V6 again. All OK.

I think I found the error : the virtual track was moved a little in V7, so there was no contact with the following track.  I took the layout to my V7 test zone, corrected it, and indeed it works.
 I did not publish that one.  Now in the V7 test zone I got the sign this layout has to be published again. ( I do not dare to publish this one, and I do not dare to delete it ). But now the V7 version in the catalog works good too .

Why am I confused ? In V6 there is no sign I should update it, and there all is normal.

What should I do ? Or leave all as it is ?
Kind regards, Herman

helicopterV6.jpg.ff384544f0c2e08798914bcbba5c1c5c.jpg HeliV7.jpg.0e7fb155fffada24632d69f4fb888dd3.jpg


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2 hours ago, BahnLand said:

corrections of layouts and models in V7 do not affect to V6

Thank you @BahnLand for the answer.
How do I work normal. I have V6 and V7 at home. If I need something from V6 I export - import and "save as" in V7... under a new ID
It is possible I correct in V7, but it is not the intention to publish it again.  But sometimes - generics from my toolbox to use them again at home, sure as I am they are now V7. ( and possible extend with routes, portals or whatever V7 stuff ).

Important for me : the V6 layouts I published must stay connected with the original in V6. I do not want to correct those in V7 - and publish , because the V6 is already supposed to work there. 

Now I found that this V7 was not working properly, and the V6 worked correct ( the same published layout ) *. I want to look to the error in V7, but I should have saved it as a new ID, and did save it under the same ID ( by accident ). 

But let's see if I understand your quote : It is no problem to delete the V7 test version, even if it is also connected to the same ID as the V6 version ?
I just want to be sure. 
Kind regards, H

* the only thing I found in V7 to correct the error was that some virtual tracks were not exactly in the same position and did not connect any more to the track that moves up and down.


Bearbeitet von Herman
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2 hours ago, BahnLand said:

your layout in V7 without any effect of your (uncorrected) layout in V6.

Hello @BahnLand, should I do so. ( not intended to do ) which of the two will the users see if they download from the catalog ?
Or is it so that two identical IDs in the catalog connect to a V6 and a V7 version. Looks strange to me.
Greetings, Herman (BE)

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Hello Herman,

vor einer Stunde schrieb Herman:

should I do so


vor einer Stunde schrieb Herman:

which of the two will the users see if they download from the catalog ?

If the user considers Train Studio V6, he will see the latest (newest) version stored in V6, which is your old layout considered in your first comment above. If the user considers Train Studio V7, he will see the last corrected layout from you which you have published in V7.

Or in general:
In each version of the Train Studio, there always are shown the newest versions of all components (layouts or models) which have been published within this version or in former versions, but not such (versions of) layouts or models, which have been published in a later version of the Train Studio.

Many greetings

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