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Update departure board [scoreboard(modular)] in events V8

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I can change the train destination indicator (online catalog -> Browse-> Infrastructure -> rail traffic ->platforms)

in the events when a trackcontact is triggerd  with the next LUA lines:

local t= $("Eindhoven destination indicator") 
  t.labels["Zuglauf"].text  = "geleen"
  t.labels["Zielbahnhof"].text  = "Sittard"
  t.labels["Abfahrtszeit"].text  =layout.time 


Updating the scoreboard(modular) in the same map gives an error "attempt to index a nil value (field 'Zuglauf')"

local t4= $("Eindhoven(modular)2") !!
t4.labels["Zuglauf"].text  = "geleen"

setting the properties for both objects in the layout look so much simular , but in the the eventscreen i cann't access the fields of the scoreboard(modular)

somebody who nows the right syntaxis?? 



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vor 6 Stunden schrieb hb.resing:

somebody who nows the right syntaxis?

Hello Heinrich,

The message "attempt to index a nil value" tells you that the particular object has no field named 'Zuglauf'.
The proper name of the textfield of this particular model is '03 Zuglauf'

Kind regards

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Roter Brummer:

And it must also be called:

"Zielbahnhof" "04 Zugziel"
"01 Abfahrtszeit"

What I do not understand, however, is why the current time should be permanently entered for the departure time?


I was just testing . I am absolutly new to Lua and this game . Is it possible to create an array with  schedules for all stations?

So , I have a question also for you. I think you are de designer of this nice  object.  ?! why uses the train destination indicator  no numbers in the label , and the scoreboard (modular) numbers in the label ?   :) have a nice day 

vor 1 Stunde schrieb Goetz:

Hello Heinrich,

The message "attempt to index a nil value" tells you that the particular object has no field named 'Zuglauf'.
The proper name of the textfield of this particular model is '03 Zuglauf'

Kind regards

Indeed , I missed the 03 . My stupid fault. I didn't  write the full labelname. 

The destination sign, the object with different station names that "moves out"....... can I also change the names ?


Thanks to both .

Greetz ,


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