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Multiple line textbox

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Hello, is it at the moment possible to give from EV ( or Lua )  a sign to force the textbox to the next line ? ( I use Lua and concatenation to give the new line, so the multiline grows correctly but no new line )
Hallo, ist es im Moment möglich, von EV (oder Lua) ein Zeichen zu geben, um die Textbox in die nächste Zeile zu zwingen? (Ich benutze Lua und Verkettung, um die neue Zeile zu geben, so dass die mehrzeilige korrekt wächst, aber keine neue Zeile)

Regards, Herman

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vor 8 Minuten schrieb Herman:

Hello, is it at the moment possible to give from EV ( or Lua )  a sign to force the textbox to the next line ?

Yes, both

The graphical EV offers a larger text box, suited for multiple line text.
And Lua now supports \n for a new line.

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No, not that loop, my code loop.

Because I had it coded to put one line at a time on the "Via" list, it had between 4 and 13 lines to display and was looping on a two-second timer.  Changing it to display two lines at a time meant adding a blank 14th line, but I forgot to increment the index a second time on the initial call! All working now.

(Now to get the other platform to work!)

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