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user defined parameters - access of them in an action ?

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Hello members , look first at the picture.


In condition Property/Variable has value I can access the parameter "aNumber" in the graphical EV. It is one of the two triggers here. 
Now I want to access the same "aNumber" in action Set property/variable , but no trigger available in the graphical EV.

We can solve it in Lua, and a workaround ( aNumber as object variable in the vehicle  ) is possible but I'm not looking for that, nor for a Lua solution.

Maybe another way to access the parameter in the action ? 

Thanks in advance for an answer.
Regards, Herman


Bearbeitet von Herman
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Hello @Neo , members, 

This question stays

  • Return values from custom events are passed back to the calling function in Lua.

Of course if someone can give here an explanation / a simple example, thanks.
Regards, Herman


Bearbeitet von Herman
P.M with Neo
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vor 21 Stunden schrieb Herman:

Of course if someone can give here an explanation / a simple example, thanks.

the event calling the user-defined event...


... the user-defined event...

... the result...

I know that this can also be solved without user-event, but it should show the principle.


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Hi Herman,

EASY already presented you an example. Return values of user defined events are only meaningful within Lua, and they are required for the new external network interface, which should retrieve data from the event management by calling custom events.

Kind regards,


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