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Something that would be really handy would be the ability to change the variation of an object in an event.

For example,


Filling a wagon with coal. Sure, it's possible to put a coal textured primitive in the wagon and make it visible and invisible. Heck, I've even had it move up and down on a length of virtual track, as the wagon fills and empties, but that's complex and there are a lot of open wagons that have full and empty variants. it would be a lot easier to just switch between them

But how about the 40' containers? Have a train go off the baseboard with a load of Hamburg Süd containers and have the same train come back on with a load of Maersk containers, just by changing the variation?

I'm sure there would be other applications for this too

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb simonjackson1964:

Filling a wagon with coal. Sure, it's possible to put a coal textured primitive in the wagon and make it visible and invisible. Heck, I've even had it move up and down on a length of virtual track, as the wagon fills and empties, but that's complex and there are a lot of open wagons that have full and empty variants. it would be a lot easier to just switch between them

Have you had a look at this?



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All the same, it still leaves the option of changing the owner of a container, or changing the season of a tree - not sure why that might happen but it might... Changing the variation of people waiting on a platform or at a bus stop. Change the colour of a road vehicle that has left the baseboard and is about to re-enter. The same with the carriages of a passenger train, or any vehicle for that matter, so that what comes back onto the layout is different from what just left...

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