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To all my fellow members

I have noted several posts over  recent weeks complaining about reduced fps when running V9.

At those times my fps was very good. With a layout of 5650kb I was running at 45 to 160fps.

Recently I have been involved in creating two new layouts , both of which are only at the design stage but for a little relief I decided to go back to one of my old layouts in order to make some additional modifications. Imagine my surprise to find that the fps rate has dropped to 10 or 12fps.

I've checked all settings and they are just the same as they have always been. Has anyone else experienced this and if so what was your solution.

Kind regards



Definitiv langsamer, und auch das laden dauert laenger, was nicht so entscheidend ist. 
Meine monster anlage die ich gelegentlich zum testen meiner software benutze laeuft nur noch mit 6 fps V8 mit 12 fps. Zugegeben sie ist gross, 60,000+ objekte, 30+ zuege. Das ist zu langsam.

Ich kann nicht wirklich beurteilen welche moeglichkeiten Neo hat, da ich zuwenig ueber die grafik engine weiss, aber ich vermute dass er noch nicht am ende ist die neuen gpus zu nutzen. Ich habe keine problem eine 4090 in den rechner zu setzen, wenn ich weiss dass sie auch voll genutzt wird, was ich derzeit bezweifele. 
Ich hoffe auf verbesserungen in den naechsten versionen. Bis ich meine software einsatzbereit habe ist das sicher der fall :) , aber das nuetzt dir ja nicht so viel. 

Optimierungen oder aenderungen an grundsaetzlichen funktionen sind immer ein problem mit solch umfangreichen programmen, das will gut ueberlegt sein und auch nicht immer moeglich. Ich bin sicher Neo hat schon darueber nachgedacht und ist sich der tatsache bewusst. 



8 hours ago, gmd said:

Definitely slower, and loading takes longer too, which isn't that important. 
My monster system that I occasionally use to test my software only runs at 6 fps, V8 at 12 fps. Admittedly, it's big, 60,000+ objects, 30+ moves. That's too slow.

I can't really judge what options Neo has, as I don't know enough about the graphics engine, but I suspect that he isn't finished using the new GPUs yet. I have no problem putting a 4090 in the computer if I know that it will be fully used, which I doubt at the moment. 
I hope for improvements in the next versions. That will certainly be the case by the time I have my software ready to use :) , but that doesn't help you much. 

Optimizations or changes to basic functions are always a problem with such extensive programs, it needs to be carefully considered and isn't always possible. I'm sure Neo has already thought about it and is aware of the fact. 



Hi gmd

Thanks for the reply, but as you rightly point out it doesn't really help my situation. I've gone through all of my Nvidia settings and nothing has changed so I'm just a bit puzzled. A recent layout that I posted, "Nikolaus II demo layout" which is around 1060KB ran at between 45fps and 120fps. That too is running much slower. Hopefully it will sort itself out in time.



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