hmclay Geschrieben 3. Januar Geschrieben 3. Januar Anyone else experiencing graphics display problems . My system displays square blocks of distorted graphics during both the event manager pages and the simulation. If I change the aliasing setting within 3D Studio, it goes away for a short period of time , then returns. Doesn't matter if it's off or on. Just change the setting from what it is to another option. Happens with the "water" from the Extra menu particularly bad. Nvidia Graphics Card I7 Processor
Goetz Geschrieben 3. Januar Geschrieben 3. Januar vor 5 Stunden schrieb hmclay: Anyone else experiencing graphics display problems . Nope, not here. Sounds like you have an issue with your graphics card.
hmclay Geschrieben 4. Januar Autor Geschrieben 4. Januar I'll live with it since I can get rid of it by changing aliasing settings every once in a while. But it seems strange that the only program affected is 3D Studio !
Neo Geschrieben 8. Januar Geschrieben 8. Januar Am 3.1.2025 um 02:59 schrieb hmclay: My system displays square blocks of distorted graphics A distorted display is often the result of a corrupt graphics card driver or hardware, especially when the problem disappear for a short period after changing 3D settings (which internally resets the graphics card). Kind regards, Neo
hmclay Geschrieben 13. Januar Autor Geschrieben 13. Januar Thanks for the reply .... I'm looking at all the settings that NVIDIA software manages under 3D management. There are 30+ settings, some of which I have no idea if to say Y/N , disable, Auto, Performance, Quality, 2X/4X .... etc. I initially ran a couple of programs to "optimize" the graphics when I acquired my new computer ... thinking some setting may be playing havoc with 3D Studio. If I find a setting that removes the problem I'll report. If I don't, then back to the shop it goes.
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