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Hi to all our wonderful model makers 

Since I became a member of MBS in 2019 I have accepted the simple fact that despite there being both a German and English version this is basically a German produced program and that many of the model makers are also German so one accepts that the models created are based upon German designs with left hand drive for all vehicles. Until now this has not been an issue as all of my layouts have taken these factors into account. However I am currently working on a layout that is a scene set in the U.K. and whilst this does not present a problem, as such, with locomotives it does with road vehicles, especially busses. In the past I have used, quite extensively some of the wonderful models created by fmkberlin but alas these only have left hand drive with the passenger doors on the right. Clearly here in the U.K. this would be an absolute disaster with carnage everywhere. Which brings me to my request.

To @fmkberlinwould it be possible to produce a right hand drive version of your busses and to all other model makers might it now be possible to also include right hand drive  in other road vehicles. SualokinK very kindly provided both left and right hand drive options in some of his latest models for which I am most grateful.

Many thanks for your consideration to this request.


1 hour ago, SualokinK said:

Hi Pete,

fmkberlin was last logged into the forum on 27/11/2023 and I don't think he can / will be able to help you.


Hi Sualokink

Well that is a real shame. Any chance you can add a single decker and double decker bus to your every expanding list of models to consider? Otherwise my U.K. layout will have to be transported over to Europe like all the rest.


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