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Hi to all my fellow members

I realise there was a post in January regarding programming level crossings suitable answered by Goetz. However, I would now like to take this to another level.

It would seem that both level crossings and road junction control can present issues for many members, myself included. Several years ago both Goetz and Roter Brummer helped me to resolve these issues, in particular with regard to multiple tracks. Since then I have tried to fine tune both of these elements in order to provide as much realism as possible.

Whilst the basic principle remains fairly straightforward, in reality there are several components that come into play when fine tuning, not least of all time and location of each element.

Over the years I have been privileged to benefit from both the expertise of other members as well as the extraordinary skill of our model makers and I now think it time to try to give just a little bit back.

Model building with Blender is definitely not a possibility. The skill to produce anything within that media is totally beyond me. However, I am a bit of an artist. I enjoy creating large model layouts and finding solutions to operational issues.

With that in mind I have prepared a demo layout which incorporates both level crossing and traffic light control. It may not be perfect, it may not be the most sophisticated but it does seem to work OK .

One final point I should mention falls into the category of either operator inadequacy, program limitations or simply road rage. I refer of course to the occasional incidents where  a vehicle tries to either jump the queue or push through another vehicle that is negotiating a turn. Either way if anyone can provide a solution then I would be most grateful.

Everything else included in the layout is just a distraction to fill the space.

I have also prepared a short instruction sheet which I hope will help.

Have fun. I hope it all works as well for you as it has been for me.



Level crossing and traffic light controlled road junctions demo_1.mbp Level crossing and traffic light controlled junctions.pdf

1 hour ago, Phrontistes said:

However, a traffic light just behind a railway crossing is very dangerous.


True it's not ideal but it does happen more than one might think. There are such crossings within a 9 mile radius of my home. Clearly human beings are somewhat better at coping than a computer program.

Anyway many thanks for your view on this. I could have made the layout more sterile I suppose.




That's the case in my area too. But there is an additional traffic light in front of the railway crossing because apparently not everyone follows the rule that you're not allowed to drive onto a railway crossing unless you're sure you can leave it straight away.

13 minutes ago, Phrontistes said:

That's the case in my area too. But there is an additional traffic light in front of the railway crossing because apparently not everyone follows the rule that you're not allowed to drive onto a railway crossing unless you're sure you can leave it straight away.

And I think that is really the difference between us and a computer program. We are taught not to enter any obstacles unless you have a clear exit. In the case of the demo I could perhaps move the counter and close tc's further back up the track to ensure the barriers close sooner and link the flashing barrier lights to the tc too.


Or you can place additional track contacts in front of and behind the barrier to ensure that no car drives onto the level crossing if the car in front of it has not yet cleared the space. Just like in real life. B|

7 hours ago, Phrontistes said:

Or you can place additional track contacts in front of and behind the barrier to ensure that no car drives onto the level crossing if the car in front of it has not yet cleared the space. Just like in real life. B|

Great solution, now why didn't I think of that!!!!!! Perhaps because at this moment in time I'm not sure just how to implement that but a little experimenting will soon find the answer.  Many thanks for your advice. Once revised I'll post an amended version. It really is Murphy's law that you had the bus stopped on the crossing with the barrier down. I thought I had adjusted the timings on the lights to take this into account. Just goes to show, the closer you are to something the less you see.



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