220hotwheels Geschrieben 20. Februar Geschrieben 20. Februar Hi to all my fellow members I realise there was a post in January regarding programming level crossings suitable answered by Goetz. However, I would now like to take this to another level. It would seem that both level crossings and road junction control can present issues for many members, myself included. Several years ago both Goetz and Roter Brummer helped me to resolve these issues, in particular with regard to multiple tracks. Since then I have tried to fine tune both of these elements in order to provide as much realism as possible. Whilst the basic principle remains fairly straightforward, in reality there are several components that come into play when fine tuning, not least of all time and location of each element. Over the years I have been privileged to benefit from both the expertise of other members as well as the extraordinary skill of our model makers and I now think it time to try to give just a little bit back. Model building with Blender is definitely not a possibility. The skill to produce anything within that media is totally beyond me. However, I am a bit of an artist. I enjoy creating large model layouts and finding solutions to operational issues. With that in mind I have prepared a demo layout which incorporates both level crossing and traffic light control. It may not be perfect, it may not be the most sophisticated but it does seem to work OK . One final point I should mention falls into the category of either operator inadequacy, program limitations or simply road rage. I refer of course to the occasional incidents where a vehicle tries to either jump the queue or push through another vehicle that is negotiating a turn. Either way if anyone can provide a solution then I would be most grateful. Everything else included in the layout is just a distraction to fill the space. I have also prepared a short instruction sheet which I hope will help. Have fun. I hope it all works as well for you as it has been for me. Cheers Pete Level crossing and traffic light controlled road junctions demo_1.mbp Level crossing and traffic light controlled junctions.pdf
Phrontistes Geschrieben 20. Februar Geschrieben 20. Februar However, a traffic light just behind a railway crossing is very dangerous.
220hotwheels Geschrieben 20. Februar Autor Geschrieben 20. Februar 1 hour ago, Phrontistes said: However, a traffic light just behind a railway crossing is very dangerous. True it's not ideal but it does happen more than one might think. There are such crossings within a 9 mile radius of my home. Clearly human beings are somewhat better at coping than a computer program. Anyway many thanks for your view on this. I could have made the layout more sterile I suppose. Cheers Pete
Phrontistes Geschrieben 20. Februar Geschrieben 20. Februar That's the case in my area too. But there is an additional traffic light in front of the railway crossing because apparently not everyone follows the rule that you're not allowed to drive onto a railway crossing unless you're sure you can leave it straight away.
220hotwheels Geschrieben 20. Februar Autor Geschrieben 20. Februar 13 minutes ago, Phrontistes said: That's the case in my area too. But there is an additional traffic light in front of the railway crossing because apparently not everyone follows the rule that you're not allowed to drive onto a railway crossing unless you're sure you can leave it straight away. And I think that is really the difference between us and a computer program. We are taught not to enter any obstacles unless you have a clear exit. In the case of the demo I could perhaps move the counter and close tc's further back up the track to ensure the barriers close sooner and link the flashing barrier lights to the tc too.
Phrontistes Geschrieben 21. Februar Geschrieben 21. Februar Or you can place additional track contacts in front of and behind the barrier to ensure that no car drives onto the level crossing if the car in front of it has not yet cleared the space. Just like in real life.
220hotwheels Geschrieben 21. Februar Autor Geschrieben 21. Februar 7 hours ago, Phrontistes said: Or you can place additional track contacts in front of and behind the barrier to ensure that no car drives onto the level crossing if the car in front of it has not yet cleared the space. Just like in real life. Great solution, now why didn't I think of that!!!!!! Perhaps because at this moment in time I'm not sure just how to implement that but a little experimenting will soon find the answer. Many thanks for your advice. Once revised I'll post an amended version. It really is Murphy's law that you had the bus stopped on the crossing with the barrier down. I thought I had adjusted the timings on the lights to take this into account. Just goes to show, the closer you are to something the less you see. Cheers Pete
220hotwheels Geschrieben 22. Februar Autor Geschrieben 22. Februar Hi Phrontistes Having taken your advice I have introduced some TC's to control the traffic on the side affected by the traffic lights. It does seem to work OK but I can't help feeling that my interpretation is just a bit ham fisted. The traffic flows OK but it is a bit stilted. I have played around with the position of the TC's but seems to make much of a difference. Perhaps you know of a more sophisticated way to approach this which will add greater realism. Otherwise I will revise the *.pdf and repost. Kind regards Pete Level crossing and traffic light controlled road junctions demo_1.mbp
Phrontistes Geschrieben 22. Februar Geschrieben 22. Februar vor 1 Stunde schrieb 220hotwheels: just a bit ham fisted Yes, it is. It doesn't look like every vehicle always stops in front of the barrier. It's not easy to avoid this completely. But as a first step, you could disable this stopping when the traffic light is green.
220hotwheels Geschrieben 22. Februar Autor Geschrieben 22. Februar 1 hour ago, Phrontistes said: Yes, it is. It doesn't look like every vehicle always stops in front of the barrier. It's not easy to avoid this completely. But as a first step, you could disable this stopping when the traffic light is green. Thanks for that. I'll take another look at that element. The problem seems to be trying to strike a happy balance between the various vehicle sizes. At the moment I have chosen to get everyone to stop until told to proceed. I introduced the second barrier stop to try to ensure that if the barrier was down and a vehicle stopped on the temp stop that it did not begin to move through the closed barrier if the vehicle on the other side moved due to a traffic light change and therefore release the one stopped on the other side temp stop. Yes it can release it but then it must stop at the second barrier stop to await said barrier lifting. I'm still not sure I have this right yet as the temp stop sets a speed to go which I think the second barrier stop might simply ignore but as yet this has not come into play. More monitoring ahead. Kind regards Pete
Phrontistes Geschrieben 22. Februar Geschrieben 22. Februar Just a suggestion, because that's how I tend to do it: It's better to have fewer contacts with more logic. The primary logic must of course be that the car is not allowed to move when the barrier is closed.
220hotwheels Geschrieben 22. Februar Autor Geschrieben 22. Februar 11 minutes ago, Phrontistes said: Just a suggestion, because that's how I tend to do it: It's better to have fewer contacts with more logic. The primary logic must of course be that the car is not allowed to move when the barrier is closed. Once again thanks for that. I'll take another look at all of this later and see if I can make a more "professional" solution based on your suggestion.
simonjackson1964 Geschrieben 22. Februar Geschrieben 22. Februar I'm not sure if this is happening, but one ting I have found happens is, if you have the "automatic acceleration" enabled on the road vehicles, the one that is supposed to stop as the barrier comes down will instead keep going if it is following too close to the one in front. I did come up with a solution for this, but since I lost my computer last year, I don't remember what it was. I do know it involved turning off the automatic acceleration for each vehicle as it approached the crossing, then (I think) turning it back on again when the vehicle speed reached zero, or it safely cleared the crossing... I'm not even certain if that will be of any help, or if it is even relevant - you might have already thought of it... Let alone whether that is actually what I did or exactly how I did it.
Goetz Geschrieben 23. Februar Geschrieben 23. Februar vor 2 Stunden schrieb simonjackson1964: I do know it involved turning off the automatic acceleration for each vehicle as it approached the crossing, then (I think) turning it back on again Hello Simon, luckily this is no longer required in V9. Neo found a way to fix the issue caused by the automatic accelleration (i.e. cars being pulled off a stop by the car in front)
220hotwheels Geschrieben 23. Februar Autor Geschrieben 23. Februar 20 hours ago, simonjackson1964 said: I'm not sure if this is happening, but one ting I have found happens is, if you have the "automatic acceleration" enabled on the road vehicles, the one that is supposed to stop as the barrier comes down will instead keep going if it is following too close to the one in front. I did come up with a solution for this, but since I lost my computer last year, I don't remember what it was. I do know it involved turning off the automatic acceleration for each vehicle as it approached the crossing, then (I think) turning it back on again when the vehicle speed reached zero, or it safely cleared the crossing... I'm not even certain if that will be of any help, or if it is even relevant - you might have already thought of it... Let alone whether that is actually what I did or exactly how I did it. Having applied, what I consider, a bit more of a logical approach to this problem I feel that I have made steps forward. However there remains one issue that I simply cannot find the solution to. In the attached screenshot the CB is down, the AFS tipper has stopped as has the vehicles on the opposite carriageway. The problem is that once the bus has left the TC at it's rear the TC on which the AFS tipper truck is stopped then changes to 20kph and the truck simply drivers through the barrier, the train etc. Logically the TC on which the tipper truck is stopped needs to be linked to the actual CB stop TC if the barriers are down but once the barrier is open then it needs to revert back to the TC at the back of the bus (as per the screenshot) and despite my best efforts I have not been able to achieve this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Getting this right will provide greater flexibility under other circumstances. Pete Level crossing and traffic light controlled road junctions demo_2.mbp
Goetz Geschrieben 23. Februar Geschrieben 23. Februar vor 7 Minuten schrieb 220hotwheels: Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Place one switch somewhere near the crossing. Use this switch to control the road traffic. (Connect the road contacts to that switch to change their state) Let the switch determine when the barriers should close. And when all trains have cleared the crossing, you first open the barriers and then, after a shot delay, set the switch to "go"
220hotwheels Geschrieben 23. Februar Autor Geschrieben 23. Februar 3 minutes ago, Goetz said: Place one switch somewhere near the crossing. Use this switch to control the road traffic. (Connect the road contacts to that switch to change their state) Let the switch determine when the barriers should close. And when all trains have cleared the crossing, you first open the barriers and then, after a shot delay, set the switch to "go" Thank you Goetz. That sounds so simple a solution and so obvious. I'll make the changes and hope no other issue ensue. If they do then more work for those little grey cells!!
220hotwheels Geschrieben 24. Februar Autor Geschrieben 24. Februar 16 hours ago, 220hotwheels said: Thank you Goetz. That sounds so simple a solution and so obvious. I'll make the changes and hope no other issue ensue. If they do then more work for those little grey cells!! Hi Goetz I began to plan what I needed to do in order to follow your advice and whist doing so had a bit of a eureka moment with regards to the TC that ultimately controlled the release of vehicles to cross the barrier. I've attached a screenshot of the result which does seem to work OK. However I now plan to follow your guidance with another alternative using the switch to see if by doing so I can reduce some of the TC's used. It might also prove useful to provide greater control of the road 'T' junctions. Pete Level crossing and traffic light controlled road junctions demo_2.mbp
Phrontistes Geschrieben 24. Februar Geschrieben 24. Februar vor 16 Minuten schrieb 220hotwheels: greater control of the road 'T' junctions You could take a look at this layout: 61F3BB89-118E-4D37-AAA2-FC1E202A887B. The concept is not simply to switch traffic lights in turn, but depending on traffic, as is the case almost everywhere in real life.
220hotwheels Geschrieben 24. Februar Autor Geschrieben 24. Februar 54 minutes ago, Phrontistes said: You could take a look at this layout: 61F3BB89-118E-4D37-AAA2-FC1E202A887B. The concept is not simply to switch traffic lights in turn, but depending on traffic, as is the case almost everywhere in real life. Wow, now I really do feel like a novice. I've only briefly looked at your EV but I'm very impressed. You have certainly given me something to aspire to but it will clearly take me some time to get my head round what I need to do in order to improve my approach to these two elements. I think the phrase that springs to mind in summarising is "less hit and miss more realism and accuracy". I now do fully understand your suggestion to apply 'logic' although the degree of logic depends upon the individuals extent of knowledge. Clearly mine has a way to go yet. Pete
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