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  1. Hi Tom You're a star. Without your assistance and advice I think I would still be in the stone age part of this hobby. I had thought that I had turned off and reset all animated elements as I introduced them but clearly enthusiasm must have got the better of me during layout modification. I'll try to be more vigilant in the future. I have started to set up different layers the first element that I have chosen for this purpose is the roads, largely because they are larger and therefore more easily seen when selecting. Once they are done then I'll tackle the rail tracks. The water aspect is a bit easier to sort. I have experimented with one part replacing around 50 squares for just 1 and playing around with the baseboard prior to placing the new sheet. You're right about getting great effects by using different mediums under the water. I have only briefly looked at how you set up the LKW van. Once again how right you are about the use of variables, although I would never have got there without your help. In fact even now it's going to take me some time to digest just how to apply this example to everything else. I assume the track contacts are created by the events program or are these separate items to be selected and renamed from the on line catalogue. I must sound like a real numpty with some of the comments and questions that I ask. I had also noted that all other trains etc were on stop and pondered on how to restart them so once again many thanks for the heads up on that part. I'll keep you posted on my progress, if that's OK. Many thanks once again. Cheers Pete
  2. Hi Tom Thanks for all your efforts and for the example of EC. My computer doesn't seem to have a problem handling things at present but I take your point about reducing as much as possible. Whilst I can see the effect of getting rid of so many blocks of water for one large item I don't see any relevance for either track or road. If for example I remove 10 standard section of track each of 1806 polys and replace it with a single length the that new length is simply 10 x 1806. The same seems to apply to roads but water is different so I can see the merit in that. Regarding the layers. I can see the merit in following your advice and will do so despite this being something of a monumental task which I assume will involve removing all rolling stock in order to accommodate this procedure but I cannot see how I can reduce the overall file size by much. Out of interest I renamed your file Fairmont V5 modified, had to realign several bits of track at numerous points and then saved the file and backed up the database using the new file name. The size of the saved file has now jumped to almost 5.5, double what it was which leaves me somewhat puzzled. Anyway I have plenty to keep me occupied for the next few weeks. I'll let you know how I get on. Cheers Pete
  3. Hi Tom What can I say but ooops, I guess the jump in with both feet approach this time has it's drawbacks. Many thanks in advance for your guidance re the EC scenario but your further recommendations pose me with yet another question. I can create the different layers as you have suggested but at the moment I am at a loss as to the best way to isolate the various elements not required on a particular layer so that I am left with just the layer needed, ie just rail tracks, roads etc.I do keep referring back to the manual but struggle at times with the English translation and so just play around until I get it right or make a complete mess. No doubt the answer will be fairly obvious, once you know, a bit like the "export a file" question so if you could point this addled brain of mine in the right direction once again I would be most appreciative. Cheers Pete
  4. Hi Tom Thanks for the comments and advice. I'll certainly look into every aspect of your recommendations. I have briefly looked at V5 events simply trying to set up the bus WCF 01 to depart from the ferry terminal to the bus stop at Fairmont station but so far I have got no where. Clearly using the knowledge from V4 isn't the answer. I'll do more experiments tomorrow along with looking at the water aspect. Thanks once again for your help. cheers Pete
  5. Hi Tom Many thanks again for your advice. I have now downloaded and purchased the full version of V5 but have not had chance to look at it in any great detail. After doing so I will probably continue with V5 only using V4 for possible experiments, therefore any recommendations you can let me have to simplify my various operations will be greatly appreciated. As you will see I have only really touched the surface of event control and many of the aspects of my work so far need to be tweaked but then that's part of the enjoyment. If you got everything right straight away where is the fun in that! The bus operation is currently only partly worked out as I was hopeful that through the forum I might be able to produce a more professional system. Anyway I will be interested in your views. The relevant file is attached. Chers Pete 220hotwheels Fairmont layout.mbp
  6. Hi Tom Let me get this straight then. V5 is the beta version. Do I simply click on the section for auto update to beta version to get the trial of V5 and by doing so do I affect my current layout in V4 or can I run both simultaneously. Also for the future will my V4 layout transfer to V5 once it has passed it's trial stage and I have upgraded or would I need to start all over with my current V4 layout. My present layout has thousands of items so far and I have really only just started. Admittedly much of my work now is fine tuning and finishing the scenery, as much of it is just "placed" roughly at present, but that will be at least another 500 hours work followed no doubt by much change as my experience and knowledge grows. I haven't had so much fun since starting my own businesses 45 years ago. Computers then were almost wind up toys. Are you suggesting that I export my main V4 layout as is for you to look over and offer your advice or just my test track layout, which I will complete later today. Cheers Pete
  7. Hi Tom Thanks for your reply and the offer to take a look at my test track. The first attempt was a bit of a disaster so I am starting a new one but it did at least give me some thoughts for my main layout which is V4. Despite everyone's advice I am still at a loss as to how to use variables. No doubt in the fullness of time it will come to me so all of my "Events" are quite basic using either track or road sections to control events. My challenge at present is to get 4 buses operating between a bus station and ferry terminal. The basic instructions are not so difficult but the challenge lies in getting everything to gel with the trains. The big challenge is at a level crossing with 4 tracks used by 16 different trains all crossing at various times. So far I have applied the principal of stop each bus at a bus stop just before the crossing and then at the appropriate moment, when the last carriage of a train has passed and triggered the crossing gates to open that will start the coach from the bus stop. Whilst this set of events is still in it's infancy I realise there is much still to learn to ensure a smooth flow for each bus but given time I will sort it in much the same way I have with the various boats that operate on my lake that are tied to the bascule bridge operation. No doubt variables would make for a simpler events control which is why I posted my question on the forum, the medium of which I am a complete novice too so I hope all will bear with me if I seem a bit slow to understand some of the finer points of it's use. Over the next few days I will set up another test track and then attempt to export it, once I have found out how to do so!!!. I suppose I could always send my main layout this way but am a bit loath to embarrass my self with all you knowledgeable guys. Thanks once again for all your advice and offer to assist me. Cheers Pete
  8. Hi Guys Many thanks for your advice. I'll try to sort my problem out using as much of your recommendations as I can follow. Thanks once again Cheers Pete
  9. Thanks for the advice offered to my problem. Perhaps I am just being a bit thick and overlooking the obvious but having set up a test track oval with both road and rail I am still unable to figure out how to incorporate variables into my events. I have tried numerous alternatives but none seem to work. At the moment the only way I can get crossing barriers to function is by setting each train to trigger the animation when it is located on a particular track. I have set a variable of +1 to close and -1 to open in the variables list for the one crossing that I am using on the test track and tried alternative setting in both the event, condition and action sections however nothing seems to work so I am clearly not getting that part right. I think I need a more detailed bit of guidance to sort this please. I suppose it's a bit like flying really. The principal is pretty straight forward but to fly a modern jet needs a bit more guidance than it does for a single engine gypsy moth. thanks Pete
  10. Hi I am relatively new to this type of 3D modelling and have so far sorted much that I needed through reading the manual translation and much trial and error. One thing that is so far eluding me is how to create events that will allow road vehicles to stop at traffic lights and barriers when necessary and then to restart once the barriers go up or the lights change. Getting the trains to open and close the barriers is pretty straight forward but I am finding it really difficult to get to grips with the English translation that I assume might point me in the direction of how to solve the above problem. Any tips that would start me off on this process would be greatly appreciated. I now realise that I have perhaps been a little too ambitious in terms of 1st layout size, 12000 x 5000 'N' gauge, having now put in around 450 hours of most enjoyable computer time with at least the same amount of time still required to complete this layout but I do not regret one second. A day without learning is a day lost but sometimes you just need a bit of help to move your learning curve up a notch. Many thanks in anticipation of some assistance. Pete
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