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  1. Thank you very much !!!
  2. Have a layout from V7 that does not show up in My Layouts when using V8. How can I fix this.
  3. I have a 'suspicion' on why the attached people are displaced occasionally. In an above post SIMONJACKSON1964 recommended pausing the program before hitting save. I normally just hit save anytime. I now pause before saving and have not experienced moving "yet'. 'Maybe' if the figures are moving during save, the X-Y-Z is saved incorrectly. Just a thought! (Hope)
  4. Thanks for the reply's .... whatever I'm doing wrong, I'm still doing wrong. Using V8 now, and the engineers moved outside the cab, and the passengers moved outside the cablecar when I saved the layout, and opened the next morning. (Not the first V8 save) "somehow on a different scale" ... don't understand exactly what that means or how to know, or what to do about it. I have other people attached to other vehicles that do not exhibit this problem, so maybe it is a scale issue. As for undo ... don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it sure is inconvenient. I almost have to save the file after each successful edit. That way, when I do something naughty and can't undo, I can reopen the file and continue. When I said random, I meant that the movement doesn't happen on every reopening of the file. (Computer read problem?) I also made a mistake not learning to use layers. I have tracks over tracks winding up a mountain. Oh my, what an editing nightmare that causes for "select'. Major job now switching to layers ... but I should ! Didn't learn portals soon enough either, but I'm learning.
  5. I thought I may have to learn Lua eventually ... guess with what I want to do, the time has come. That is a lot easier than what I was pursuing. The reading of the position I did not explain well. I was wondering if it could be read within the software to know current position before issuing commands. But on second thought, maybe I don't need that info. Thanks Again
  6. Thanks Goetz ... so the number is a starting number not a position you want to go to. So if I'm currently at 0.3 and want to stop at 0.75, other than using a defer time, can you initiate a stop automatically at 0.75? Also, is there a way to read the position ?
  7. When using start animation, there is an item labeled position. If I give a number, the vehicle (crane etc.) jumps to that position immediately. Can a smooth action be accomplished without using script ? The only way I use this command is issue the action then defer action until it arrives where I want it .... ends up trial and error until I get the results desired.
  8. Ok, that explains alot. Thanks!
  9. I'll try to explain a case that happens frequently. 1.) Normally I have the layout running, watching and looking for anything needing attention. 2.) Without stopping (normally) , I click on an item I may want to move/edit. I accidentally click the wrong item, and move it .... then can't just hit undo ... even once. Do I need to pause the program first ? ... I'll experiment. 3.) I do a lot of editing ... ground, moving, adding, correcting (still learning. I get done and save the work ( I must have 3 dozen versions or more). The next session, I open the program, and the figures in the trucks, trains etc. are outside the vehicle. Not all at once, but sort of random. Sometimes an event I added is missing. I must be using the interface incorrectly, but don't know exactly how, because it happens regularly. I must have put the engineers in their train 2 dozen times. Sometimes I just let them ride outside for awhile. They are allways attached and move correctly. Once they move, it doesn't appear that they move the second time,
  10. I'm having trouble with Items moving when opening up the layout , particularly people/things attached to a moving object. What might cause that? My suspicion is automatic height or automatic snapping being used incorrectly. Also of concern is undo doesn't always work, either the Ctrl-Z of the edit command. Very inconvenient for me ... I need it alot !!!!!
  11. Thanks Goetz for your reply and wishes. Another question .... when I clicked file, the program ask for a xxx.mbe extension. When I used export, a file with xxx,mbp was created. How do I created an mbe file? Was successful importing from layout ... thanks ... I'll be experimenting with that!
  12. Is it possible to share content from one layout/example into another layout. I see headings with these labels, but have not been successful using them. Thanks in advance
  13. Thanks for the info. This late reply is due to spending the last 3 months in and out of the hospital. Recuperating now, and will digest the material as I get back into the software. Thanks again !
  14. Thank you for the info. I 'm now looking for a way to get the speed into a variable I can process. I can as text so far. This Studio program is powerful, and I'm a little surprised controller/regulator info is not accessible. Much to learn, but enjoyable !
  15. Thanks for your reply. I am asking for help. Would like to read a controller output , or current vehicle speed, as an input to a user-defined-event. I used Google translater for English to German ...
  16. Searching forum and manual as to reading data from a vehicle or controller for pre/post-processing. Specifically the speed of a loco or the controller setting. Working on locomotive sound simulation vs vehicle speed. For now I'm using track contacts or commands for input to change vehicle speed. Maybe this has been studied, let me know. Any help welcomed! Durchsuchen von Forum und Handbuch zum Auslesen von Daten aus einem Fahrzeug oder Steuergerät zur Vor- / Nachverarbeitung. Insbesondere die Geschwindigkeit einer Lok oder die Reglereinstellung. Arbeiten an der Soundsimulation der Lokomotive im Vergleich zur Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit. Im Moment verwende ich Track-Kontakte oder -Befehle für die Eingabe, um die Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeit zu ändern. Vielleicht wurde dies untersucht, lassen Sie es mich wissen. Jede Hilfe willkommen!
  17. Hi everyone, thanks for responding. I hope I got to the correct person for approval. I'm in the wait mode. Not sure what all the secrecy and approval is about, but have a feeling it may be legal issues. Would like to publish, especially my technique for adding sound to locomotives. Have accel,decel low,hi and idle sound for F7 as a start. Thinking this forum may be able to improve on the concept. Hope NEO approves my request. Hallo zusammen, danke für die Antwort. Ich hoffe, ich habe die richtige Person für die Genehmigung erreicht. Ich bin im Wartemodus. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, worum es bei all der Geheimhaltung und Genehmigung geht, aber ich habe das Gefühl, dass es rechtliche Probleme geben könnte. Würde gerne veröffentlichen, insbesondere meine Technik zum Hinzufügen von Sound zu Lokomotiven. Haben Sie Beschleunigung, Verzögerung niedrig, hallo und Leerlaufgeräusch für F7 als Start. Ich denke, dieses Forum kann das Konzept verbessern. Hoffe NEO genehmigt meine Anfrage.
  18. logged in correctly is an interesting question. The program automatically logs in. I went to log out and it indicated I would need to supply all info again, so I did not. When I bought the program, I was using a laptop while the present computer was at repair I had to put my program on a "stick" to transfer ... Could not access the laptop. I contacted Werner , only got a reply to change password because I forgot it.. What to do now is my question. Got password correct ... I believe.
  19. I have V7 Professional, are you saying there is a level above called Full professional. I have contacted someone listed as NEO on the "developers web" . Hope this is the correct route! Ich habe V7 Professional. Wollen Sie damit sagen, dass es eine Stufe darüber gibt, die als Full Professional bezeichnet wird? Ich habe jemanden kontaktiert, der im "Developers Web" als NEO aufgeführt ist. Hoffe das ist der richtige Weg!
  20. Thank You for your response. Click my avatar ... I do not have permission for sound , just 10 layouts. So the publish to internet does not show. I now know the procedure if/when I get permission. Now I need to contact NEO and find out what is required. Thank You! Thank you for your reply. Click on my avatar... I don't have permission for sound, only 10 layouts. The publication on the Internet is therefore not displayed. I now know the procedure if/when I get permission. Now I need to get in touch with NEO and find out what is required. Thank you!
  21. I've been working on a method for adding train sounds and have a mini-experiment that I've tried to publish. However, I can't post anything because there are sound files that need to be shared, and I don't know how (learn new users). If I share, maybe someone could explain the idea. How to share sound files on 3D website (mp3) Thank you!
  22. Keep getting a message "Must share "XYZ.mp3 ....... " files before I can upload. I click OK, but I'm not told how to proceed. Any help will be appreciated. Ich erhalte immer wieder die Meldung „Muss „XYZ.mp3 ....... “-Dateien teilen, bevor ich hochladen kann. Ich klicke auf OK, aber mir wird nicht gesagt, wie ich fortfahren soll. Wir freuen uns über jede Hilfe.
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