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Thanks to both of you for the responses ... they are both helpful with understanding how variables/keywords work. Goetz , you explained how to correct the current situation. Labels and information ... that says a lot ! simonjackson196, you gave information that helps me further understand how to use keywords ... future situations will benefit from that info. Thanks to both of you for your help !!!!
Can someone explain how to pass or reference a keyword from a user event. Do you use a list, table, variable, extended variable ??? .... do you need to know the keyword ahead of time ... or can you find a keyword from an unknown vehicle on a track/contact .... the track section is short (end of track bumper sort of thing) Thanks!
simonjackson196 ... seems we are on the same "track" .... I too like to have one callable event (subroutine) that's called to do a repetitive job. The user event allows for that technique with the passing of variables etc.. Takes some thought to implement, but worth it in the long run. The hard thing for me is getting use to the nomenclature used in the program. Sometimes an item is referenced as a switch then a signal .... a switch is a turnout or a physical switch and switch is listed in several selectable categories. Triggers ... when to select ... and all those "cog" icon selections are the equivalent of which witch is which. Has taken me some time to sort out. If it wasn't for the help of this forum, it would take longer or become impossible at times. Thanks to all who give help !
Thanks for the reply ... If I understand this correctly ... I cannot just group the blocks and assign a keyword to the group , then trigger that group ... I must assign each item in that group a keyword. Kind of what I thought .... I have 512 blocks in my control panel, most of which will need a keyword (maybe more than one per block) that's a lot of mouse clicking. Be nice to be able to group 10 together .... assign one keyword to the block .... then switch all in that group to a value. Seems group is more of a scenic tool. Thanks again for responding!
Constructing a Control panel using the "Blocks" provided. When I change a Switch (Turnout) on one Block then a number of blocks must change to show the route (typical) I now assign a keyword to EACH corresponding block that I want to change. Would like to group them together and assign one keyword to the group and have all the blocks in that group change "Color" Possible? .... better approach? Sure is tedious to assign each little block a keyword! Thanks .....
Parking Cars But not Trucks .... How to
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Yes, with that information, I was able to get my event to function. Thanks a million ... still don't fully understand extended variables, as I would like. However, with each piece of information, hopefully it will just dawn on me. Again ... Thanks! -
Parking Cars But not Trucks .... How to
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
In this example ... is there a way to access the keyword of the "vehicle" on the parking spot passed to the user event. Is there a better way to access a type of vehicle on a street/track. If the vehicle has a keyword/variable "Truck", I want it to pass and not park, then wait for next vehicle. This does not work (most likely known) .... I don't know what to do with the Property/Variable exists action .... tried extended variable etc., but not successful .... Not sure what to call out on each "cog icon". -
Parking Cars But not Trucks .... How to
hmclay hat Thema erstellt in [International] Problems and solutions
I'm trying to park only cars and not trucks on Country Roads 45 degree parking spaces. Each parking space is in an "Object variable list". I assigned the keyword "Truck" to those vehicles too big or long to fit the space. When a times expires, the next applicable vehicle will be parked .... if it's not a truck. What I don't know how to do is access the keyword of the listed object when it reaches the chosen parking spot . I'm real weak on variables/trigger/extended variables and the like. Can someone explain how to do this using the "variable list" and an "index variable? Thanks in Advance Hope I explained this OK !!! -
Tractor-Trailer decouples on country road turnoff 2+1
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Again .... Thank both of you for your help. I appreciate the "Keep asking, we're eager to help" theme. I have questions ... you have answers! -
Tractor-Trailer decouples on country road turnoff 2+1
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Goetz and simonjackson196 ... thanks so much for the info. It took the evening, but I finally got the message. Dissecting the demo Goetz was kind enough to provide, I realized my error. I was assigning switch positions to the routes I wanted, as you would a train turnout. I thought the event would then pick the appropriate path as routes do. Then looking closely at the demo, I realized no switch positions were assigned. When I removed my assignments, the target event worked . I then realized how powerful that procedure is. No switch positions assigned, no flipping switches ... just tell the event what contact you want to head to ... and it magically heads it that very direction. Must be using GPS or something!!!! I just wonder what other wonderful routines I could be using but don't know about/how to use. I still have not mastered extended variables. My belief is that they are also a powerful tool, but I haven't taken the time to analyze their potential. Too busy planting trees and building hills and mountains plus laying track. Now I'm trying to make it all work. Geez ... this program is powerful ... but complex. The two are inseparable. -
Tractor-Trailer decouples on country road turnoff 2+1
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
I'm using V8 upgraded from V7 Thanks for pointing out that vehicle targeting would be a better approach. I tried construction of a mini layout to become familiar with that technique. So far, I've been unsuccessful at unlocking it's potential. The only target it was allowing was a contact, not street or virtual. Not sure what to call out for vehicle. I don't specify any specific vehicle to turn. It's random based on a timer. Didn't spend much time, so I will need to investigate further. -
Tractor-Trailer decouples on country road turnoff 2+1
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
simonjackson196... It seems I blew the whistle way to quick. There was no foul and an instant replay proved it. After a review, I removed all the tracks, virtual and otherwise, and still had the problem. OH NO ---- time to look at the code and see what was up. Having a desire to limit the number of cars entering the gas station (Limited Space) it seems I was too fast changing the 'switch' to thru, thus not allowing time for the trucks trailer to pass. I didn't want the traffic to back-up. I thought I checked that, but whatever code I used .... that didn't work either. Learned some things ... such as there are ramps to smooth the step down (need to try that) ... and the suggestion of editing the streets if I use virtual ... didn't occur to me ... So much to learn ... Thank You for your replies! -
V8 - Strange behavior - Contacts and Routes
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Goetz ... thanks for the reply. I have just started using/understanding layers. I also should have studied them earlier and made my life easier. Your help is appreciated, and I will try that technique! -
Tractor-Trailer decouples on country road turnoff 2+1
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
simonjackson196 .... thanks for your effort and replies. I tried to make a demo to simulate my problem, but couldn't get the truck to decouple. When back and looked at my layout to see what was going on. Oh my gosh, what a junction .... I could't even explain it with any degree of coherence, so here is a picture. I will need to do some re-arranging if I want to make that work. -
Trying to publish a train sound demo into the draft layouts to get feedback/help form the forum. First I need to "share" the files. Neo has kindly given me permission to upload layouts with sound, but I have not been successful getting files to show up in the correct directory. I can get them in "my Layouts" for some reason, but that will not work. Also I have been using abc.wav files for sound (claims of better quality than mp3), they work OK with the Sound application, but not supported by the listing command. I must manually do the search using the traditional *.* for them to show up. Since they work, any reason to limit the type?
V8 - Strange behavior - Contacts and Routes
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
That is a neat trick for the driver in the car. Sort of like reverse engineering. I would still like to turn the outlines off in certain situations. I have a terminal consisting of an elevated platform above a platform, made up with varying sizes (scaled) platforms held up by scaled stone/brick columns. ( as only one example). Putting items on and beneath is a chore. Would be nice to use the gizmo and place them. Same problem putting virtual tracks beneath for people to walk on. And I have not mastered putting virtual tracks in the air for aircraft. They go everywhere, especially when trying to make the aircraft bank in a turn. Got any tricks up your sleeve to help me? I need all the help I can get. Thanks -
Tractor-Trailer decouples on country road turnoff 2+1
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Thanks for the post and information. I have not even tried going left or cross traffic yet, the guidelines presented will certainly help if and when I do. I realized my explanation was quite vague, so I will explain further. No other traffic .... because I had trouble with cars behind. Right turn only from country road 2+1 immediately connected ... not to another country road item ... but directly to a virtual Thorofare going straight ( the wire type). Just trying to get into a gas station, and other country road items don't fit the scenario. Cars and trucks without a trailer attached, are not a problem. Going to the virtual "wire" does cause a little "Step down" when the vehicle crosses ... maybe that's too much for the trailer to handle ... will investigate further. -
V8 - Strange behavior - Contacts and Routes
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
simonjackson196 ..... Thanks for the reply and information ... I sure didn't know about the buffer at 90 degrees from the track. As for putting Achim on the top of the platform canopy, he goes there automatically using the stack option. Thats a problem for me, because above that is an elevated train. Then I try to use the gizmo to put him on the platform, and the white lines are a nuisance. If I knew the height of everything involved, I could type the height in, but that may even take more effort to determine. Sure would be nice to see around/through the white lines. Isn't that what the gizmo is designed for ... lining things up ? I would like the option to turn that feature off! Still a great program, just some things that require a work around. -
V8 - Strange behavior - Contacts and Routes
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Now that I understand what the program does, I can work around it as I did by switching the locomotive engine off on the long train. I just didn't know why I had to do that. From the info I received here, now I know ... and it will not take me as long to correct the situation! Just another thing my mom forgot to teach me. Thanks for the responses! -
V8 - Strange behavior - Contacts and Routes
hmclay antwortete auf hmclays Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Thanks for the contact problem and solution. I didn't think about a car attached being on a contact ... I only thought about where the engine was located ... since that is what pulls the train! Never imagined a car pushing the engine. As for lining up ... an example of difficulty ... putting people on a platform or in a cable car etc. The white lines obscure exactly where their feet or "behind" is. I must get out of the gizmo to see, then try to judge just how far to move the object and get out of the gizmo again.... may take several tries. Not a big fan of the thick white lines ... but like some of V8's new features. -
V8 - Strange behavior - Contacts and Routes
hmclay hat Thema erstellt in [International] Problems and solutions
I've been chasing some problems since changing over to V8 ... The train does NOT stop at a contact with Decel set to zero. Remove the cars attached, and the Engine stops as it should. Re-couple cars and the train Decels to zero speed, then continues on as if the Accel is set (it is not). Now I remove the last car, and it stops. Re-attched last car .... continues on. I'm going from 6 to 7 cars, all Boxcars .... seven created the problem. This is the second instance, the first instance (different engine and a variety of cars) had 12 to 14 cars, and I could only solve the problem by stopping the engine when the contact was entered. Strange. Have changed engine type, but same behavior! Routes are not consistently working. Although a route is free, the program does not think so. Manually set speed, and train follows the route perfectly. Anyone else having difficulty with the bright white border around selected objects. I have trouble lining items up because of it.