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Hi All.

I'm new to this program and want to try making my own carriages, etc.  I have tried using Blender, but it appears it no longer supports the .x files that I believe I need to use. 

Can anybody suggest a good program for making and editing carriages and engines, etc? I am prepared to pay for the program.


Hi Richard,

I'm new to this program as well. I am currently making 3d models of some old Tyco train collection my grandfather gave me back in the 1970's. I have been able to use 3ds Max 7 and export as .3ds with success. You can use Sketchup 8 to export the models in .x format, but it has to be that version. I would really like learn how to animate my car and engine models, but all the tutorials I've found on this site are in German.

Good luck.


Hi Richard,

  Am 1.4.2016 um 23:24 schrieb Richard T:

... but i,m really after something to import the .x files


... you are not the only one, looking for a program to import .x files... but (until now) we did not find any.

As far as I know the programs used to make models here are Sketchup 8 (but you can not make animated models with it), Blender (with a adapt .x exporter by Neo) and 3ds Max.






it is true, that Sketchup doesn't support animations as part of a sketchup model. Nevertheless, you can realize animations for models, which have been constructed with Sketchup 8, by a little bit additional work by hand on the exported x-file. There is a detailed description here (sorry, only in German), how animation definitions can be added to the x-file, so that the desired animations can be executed in the 3D-TrainStudio.  

Many greetings


Hi Again

I am having a another problem

I am trying to use blender V 2.77

I am using the sample vehicle model that i found somewhere on the wiki site

I load the model, do not change the model in any way , i then export it as .3ds

I can then exit blender and restart it

I can then import the .3ds file and it look fine

However when i try to load it into 3d train studio, it gets screwed up

I have tried several models, save from blender , with the same results

I can save a very simple model and then load it into 3d train studio

I have the same results when exporting as .x files, but they often come up with loading errors as wall

3d train studio dose load example .x models fine

Any thoughts


  • 2 Wochen später...

I've been exporting models from 3dsMax 7 with no issues. The only error I've encountered was texture names. I had to keep them 8 digits or less. Where did you find the example model? I was not able to find it in the forum.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


... i don't know if this answers your question... but the texture size must be 2^x [pixel] (width and hight) i.e. 256x256, 1024x512, 64x256 and keep the texture as small as possible. With less details there is no need for a texture 1024x1024.


Bearbeitet von EASY
  Am 15.4.2016 um 07:02 schrieb EASY:


... i don't know if this answers your question... but the texture size must be 2^x [pixel] (width and hight) i.e. 256x256, 1024x512, 64x256 and keep the texture as small as possible. With less details there is no need for a texture 1024x1024.



Oh I was referring to my texture names. The 3ds format I use requires the name to have 8 characters or less. (8.1 format)

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