Curt84328 Geschrieben 2. Januar 2019 Geschrieben 2. Januar 2019 (bearbeitet) this layout is just getting started in V4 This is the parking level, and serves to store trains. This is the only visible controller on parking level as other switches are automatic. track sections controlled by the parking controller closeup of track. This is a Custom texture, based on Union Pacific trackage in 1869. Track is Iron (Not Steel) and so is brown. 4 spikes per tie with no tie plates. There are seven trains in this layout with special views this is the tour locomotive seen from a camera on top. throttle control and stop in center and controls for other cameras inside view of a passenger car, and yes the car was created by seahund. back view 1 of 2 sidelooker views for scenery when train is running I will send an mbp file in a few weeks. this is the bottom layer of 4 curtis Bearbeitet 2. Januar 2019 von Curt84328 spelling corrections
metallix Geschrieben 2. Januar 2019 Geschrieben 2. Januar 2019 Hi Curtis Impressive........ I noticed you've got a similar problem in MBS as I would have here in New Zealand......not much native running gear/facilities for our real living area in the catalogue. I don't mind since I only moved here some 22years ago and the layouts I'm creating are all based on Germany memories, besides NZ hasen't got much of railway anyway. But for you the choices are pretty clearly arranged. I'm guessing you will look into 3D model building? Cheers Tom
Curt84328 Geschrieben 2. Januar 2019 Autor Geschrieben 2. Januar 2019 I'm not really good at 3d modelling, but will spend some time and try to learn
metallix Geschrieben 2. Januar 2019 Geschrieben 2. Januar 2019 Likewise here. But I feel there is a lot of good advice from some of the "pro's" in here that might help save some learning time. Unfortunately mostly in German. But as I said many folks here can do English as well. So if you ask a question you will get answers. Cheers Tom
Curt84328 Geschrieben 4. Januar 2019 Autor Geschrieben 4. Januar 2019 Another view, from Passenger train with cover and walls on Parking level.
Curt84328 Geschrieben 8. Januar 2019 Autor Geschrieben 8. Januar 2019 using a cube (Quader) Primitive for the walls worked nice. I decided to re-lable some locomotives. and the original,
MX1954LL Geschrieben 11. Januar 2019 Geschrieben 11. Januar 2019 Hi, I like to follow your conversation in english from good old Germany. In 2005 I was in Atlanta for work and bought that train. Now your similar photo and I recognised, they sold it to me with the missing front light. cheers Lothar
Curt84328 Geschrieben 17. Januar 2019 Autor Geschrieben 17. Januar 2019 Have added the second or Hidden Yard Level. This level goes on top of the parking level, and this view is from the mouth of the tunnel as it enters the Hidden Yard. Looking back at the tunnel and the return track. the Semaphore sign is one sided (cannot be seen from other side) headed towards the 5 track diagonal section 5 track diagonal ahead with switches The five track Diagonal section. The Green at the top is a cover for the level End of 5 track section and beginning of approach to East Basalt. Yes fmkberlin, those are your christmas lights behind the grate. The whole layout at this point is enclosed in a box. Walls are Primitive Square, and next level will go on top and be much bigger.
Curt84328 Geschrieben 17. Januar 2019 Autor Geschrieben 17. Januar 2019
Wüstenfuchs Geschrieben 17. Januar 2019 Geschrieben 17. Januar 2019 Hallo @Curt84328, das video Deiner Anlage sieht schonmal vielversprechend aus. Wenn es oben so weiter geht wie auf den unteren Ebenen, wird dass eine super Anlage. Google translationthe video of your system looks promising. If it goes on as above as on the lower levels, that will be a great investment. Viele Grüße many Greetings Wüstenfuchs
Curt84328 Geschrieben 17. Januar 2019 Autor Geschrieben 17. Januar 2019 4 minutes ago, Wüstenfuchs said: Hello Curt84328 , the video of your system looks promising. If it goes on as above as on the lower levels, that will be a great investment. Google translationthe video of your system looks promising. If it goes on as above as on the lower levels, that will be a great investment. many Greetings many Greetings desert fox bottom 2 levels measure 975 cm by 305 cm. next level is about 1200 cm by 1000 cm and has varied heights for landscape, and scenery borders like this
Curt84328 Geschrieben 19. Januar 2019 Autor Geschrieben 19. Januar 2019 This will be the last report for a while. I am working on the Main Lower level now, around the area of Basalt. Work goes very slow on this level, with 20cm x 70cm being average for a day. it's hard to see, but the ground slopes gently down from the bottom edge of the picture to the tunnel. 14mm to 12mm. Roter Brummer, I love your Gras Endlos textur.
Curt84328 Geschrieben 26. Januar 2019 Autor Geschrieben 26. Januar 2019 Tiny Bit of the town of Basalt. //
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