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I find my memory faulty, so need some help.   I have a section of my layout where I am changing from a camera mounted on each train to a single overhead camera.  I want to store the name of the camera as a variable to activate later.   I created an object variable  (Camera) and assigned the name of the camera,   when the train enters a track, I want to read the name of the train ($_Trigger1.name) and store the value assigned to object Variable Camera to another variable   so that I can later activate the camera  that I stored earlier.      Does this make sense?  What might I be missing


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Hi Curtis

I'm scratching my head but no result in finding out what it is that you want to do. Could you describe it just so, without using EV (event management) lingo? One thing sticking out is the $_Trigger. _Name you typed without the 2nd underscore but my guess would be that's a typo in your question and that you'll have it right in your EV.



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Hi Curtis

If the name of the camera is assigned to the OV of the train (i.e. camera NameOfCamera), and assuming you enter a track you can grab the value in the action part like this:

set variable:   temp
value:            $_Trigger1.camera

There's no need here to ask for the Trigger's name. In that case it is _Trigger1.


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