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See - the model itself provides the green to set the oak, and that's above the area height. But both models fit very well together that way.



Hi Andy,

I will reduce the target box on all the trees. But now looking into an effective method, since the manual way is to redo all mesh planes for the trees. I want to avoid that ;)

Kind regards,

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Promise me not to touch them until you have this idea. I don't want you to have much work. After all the model works. It's just, the second problem with a large box is, that you hardly can reach any other object nearby. So yes, I think it would make sense, but not if it hurts.


ps: in addition, you can see the number of downloaded objects. If you got the feeling that people already built woods with them, then don't change them. They would have to reposition them everywhere.

Bearbeitet von Andy

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