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Track Libraries


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I recently purchased 3D Train Studio Professional Version 5, and wish to copy a layout that I designed in AnyRail into this program.  I noticed,however, that there are some tracks I used in AnyRail that are not currently available in 3D Train Studio.  I believe I've unlocked the full version of 3D Train Studio, but am wondering if I'd simply have to wait for more 3D track models to be made.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb js1523:

I noticed,however, that there are some tracks I used in AnyRail that are not currently available in 3D Train Studio


... can you tell us what you are missing?

vor 2 Stunden schrieb js1523:

... but am wondering if I'd simply have to wait for more 3D track models to be made.

... otherwise it could be you are waiting for a long long time;)


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Hi js1523

The MBS has a large rail track library, that offers track systems of most known manufacturers worldwide, in every available scale.

Above that you can edit existing tracks and turnouts or create your own tracks and turnouts using the 3D model editor, MBS has.

So if that what you are missing is, tracks ore a model rail system, not listed in the catalogue, it could in deed be some waiting for you to see them made and uploaded into the catalogue by someone.

But using the 3D model editor will not only allow you to create the missing parts but also, if you wish, a whole range of a manufacturer, you could upload yourself in the catalogue.

Needless to mention that with the editor your phantasy is the only limit, especially if you're not going to use MBS as a planing tool for a layout you might want to build in real.



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