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Active camera

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Hello members,

I have already a new question and need a little help.

1) In the following good working command I want to  replace the $("Kamera01")  with one of the 10 free cameras. If possible of course. How can I do this ?
layout.activeCameras[0] = $("Kamera01") 

2) But maybe the action in the EV "Activate Camera" can do a lot ? Just even without previous question, can I get some explanation of this action please. 


Kind regards,

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Hello Herman,

vor 18 Minuten schrieb Herman:

can I get some explanation of this action please. 

But of course.

Every vehicle has a camera built in (cockpit view)
and in the "Extras" section of the Online Catalog you may find a model "Kamera"

These cameras can be selected for the "Activate camera" command.

To my knowledge, the 10 hot keys for different views cannot be addressed from the EV

Kind regards

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11 minutes ago, Goetz said:

To my knowledge, the 10 hot keys for different views cannot be addressed from the EV

Then we use a camera from the catalog, as I did before, and not one of those 10.

Hello @Goetz, thanks for the response. 

In the EV action, camera is understood, sorry it's the view I'm not ready with.

Just to say I understand the following in Lua, so the cockpit as camera is known to me.
-- when a train with cockpit view arrives switch to the camera view
if layout.activeCameras[0] == vehicle then
  layout.activeCameras[0] = $("Kamera01")

Back to the EV action : what to fill in view ?

Sorry, but I want to learn this.

Kind regards,


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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Herman:

what to fill in view ?

I haven't used it (and don't feel like trying it just now), but
my assumption is that vehicles may have more than one attached view, e.g. forward and backward.

If my assumption is correct, a value other than 0 won't make sense with a stationary camera ...


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Hello @Goetz

Thank you very much, even if we have not a real answer. But thanks you always respond.

Another expert that can shine more light on the "view" parameter in the EV action "Activate Camera" ?
Surely the makers have an intention with that view other than [0] ?

Kind regards,


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