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vor 5 Minuten schrieb Dad3353:

Maybe I've missed something..?

You have, yes.

You've missed that my Switch works as an on / off switch. When turned off, the traffic lights complete their current cycle and then stop on red.
When turned on, one sequence is triggered and it triggers the other when finished, which in turn triggers the first sequence again and so on, as long as the switch is in the "on" position.

Bearbeitet von Goetz
3 minutes ago, 220hotwheels said:

Well I'm glad I hadn't got any further yet, just dealing with replies to very kind members for their advice. Now I'll make inroads into your recommendations Goetz.

Many thanks once again



1 minute ago, Goetz said:

You have, yes.

You've missed that my Switch works as an on / off switch. When turned off, the traffic lights complete their current cycle and then stop on red.
When turned on, one sequence is triggered and it triggers the other when finished, which in turn triggers the first sequence again and so on, as long as the switch is in the "on" position.

I see; my system uses a different principle, with an independent Timer, so the lights can be changed for a different delay in a stroke, and stop/start automatically (no manual switch at all...). Hmm... Both work, as published. Ignore my suggestion.
I'd recommend, though, having 'Auto-accelerate' 'On' for the cars, and to have a uniform 'Slow-down' speed in the deceleration contact, simply for tidiness. Another 'slow-down' speed could be useful, though, if the cars had different speeds. Just sayin'. B|

1 hour ago, Goetz said:

You have, yes.

You've missed that my Switch works as an on / off switch. When turned off, the traffic lights complete their current cycle and then stop on red.
When turned on, one sequence is triggered and it triggers the other when finished, which in turn triggers the first sequence again and so on, as long as the switch is in the "on" position.

Hi Goetz

EUREKA ---- I've made the necessary amendments and hey presto all is now working well. I am most grateful for your guidance. Now to have some fun in the actual layout whilst at the same time being more careful with my EV.


traffic light test layout.mbp

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