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Trying to run the animation to turn off the mounted distant signal

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Hi folks, I'd appreciate some help on this one, because I'm sure Ive got everything right.

DB practice with the 69 type light signals is that when a distant signal is mounted on a main signal post, when the main signal is red (HP0) the distant signal is dark, to avoid possible confusion if the following main signal (that the distant signal is repeating) is green (HP1).

So, the game designers have thoughtfully provided an animation on the distant signals to darken them

At V6, the following works fine. (It's in my published "Valley Road" layout if you want to see it).


However with the same event on V7:


I get this:


And the signal obstinately remains lit!

It worked at V6, it doesn't work at V7.


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vor 32 Minuten schrieb simonjackson1964:

I seem to have found an actual bug!

I fear not, Simon.

Here's a working example:  Dunkelschaltung.mbp

Unfortunately, your screenshots don't show what's causing the misbehaviour on your layout.
A possible culprit may be a wrong signal stored in your "distant signal" variable


Bearbeitet von Goetz
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51 minutes ago, Roter Brummer said:

Du musst das Signal und das dazu gehörende Signal direkt ansprechen. Die Objekt-Variable "Name" muss eindeutig sein und darf nicht mehrfach vorkommen.

You must address the signal and the associated signal directly. The object variable "Name" must be unique and must not occur more than once.

I just needed to put the name of the correct extended variable in. If you look closely you'll see that the name of the variable on the signal is the same as the name of the keyword . Which is not what I had set up.

This works:


Previously it was trying to find the animation on a Keyword!

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