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3D MBS is quite intuitive, but after few weeks of play with it I have some questions:

- Where are my layouts stored? I searched all computer´s drives for my layout names and for *.mbp files, but with zero results.

- Is there any way to switch off the distance blur in simulation mode? In 6x3m H0 layout sharp visibility is something like 1,5m, objects more distant are in blur.

- How to get a 3D model of building from Blender to MBS? Is there somewhere some instruction or guide in English?

- Why roads after editing them in Properties - Edit - Angle do not connecting tracks for cars and staing isolated? When adjusting angle with  end arrow gizmo, tracks are OK, but to set up exactly 30 dedrees with mouse is mission impossible for me.

  Am 21.12.2021 um 19:58 schrieb holancz:

...- How to get a 3D model of building from Blender to MBS? Is there somewhere some instruction or guide in English?...


Good evening...

I'm too new at this myself to answer all of those questions, but I may be able to help with the 'Blender' part. MBS can import 'glb' or 'gltf' files quite easily, and Blender does a good job for modelling buildings and more. Try a fairly simple thing at first, just to get a feel for it. One important point to note : any Material files have to have their pixel size (height x width...) as a 'power of two'; that's to say able to be calculated just by doubling up. Typical examples would be 'Png' or 'Jpg' files, 512 x 512, or 4096 x 4096. Non-square works too, as long as both sides are 'power of two', such as 128 x 512, or any other combination.
Here's some screenshots that show the settings that I use; they may not be optimum for all things, but they work well for me. There's much to say about Textures, UV mapping, lighting effects and animations, but that would have to be in later posts. Is this enough for the moment..?

(As this is a German-based Forum, I like to double up my posts with a Google translation, as a sort of polite gesture towards other readers; I have no knowledge of German, myself...)

Guten Abend...

Ich bin selbst noch zu neu darin, um all diese Fragen zu beantworten, aber vielleicht kann ich beim "Blender"-Teil helfen. MBS kann 'glb'- oder 'gltf'-Dateien ganz einfach importieren, und Blender leistet gute Arbeit beim Modellieren von Gebäuden und mehr. Versuchen Sie es zunächst mit einer relativ einfachen Sache, um ein Gefühl dafür zu bekommen. Ein wichtiger Punkt zu beachten: Alle Materialdateien müssen ihre Pixelgröße (Höhe x Breite...) als "Zweierpotenz" haben; das heißt, nur durch Verdoppelung berechenbar. Typische Beispiele sind 'Png'- oder 'Jpg'-Dateien, 512 x 512 oder 4096 x 4096. Nicht-Quadrat funktioniert auch, solange beide Seiten eine 'Potenz von zwei' sind, z. B. 128 x 512 oder eine andere Kombination .
Hier sind einige Screenshots, die die Einstellungen zeigen, die ich verwende; Sie sind vielleicht nicht für alle Dinge optimal, aber sie funktionieren gut für mich. Zu Texturen, UV-Mapping, Lichteffekten und Animationen gibt es viel zu sagen, aber das müsste in späteren Beiträgen stehen. Ist das für den Moment genug..?

(Da dies ein deutsches Forum ist, verdoppele ich meine Beiträge gerne mit einer Google-Übersetzung, als eine Art höfliche Geste gegenüber anderen Lesern; ich habe selbst keine Deutschkenntnisse...)





  Am 21.12.2021 um 19:58 schrieb holancz:

Where are my layouts stored? I searched all computer´s drives for my layout names and for *.mbp files, but with zero results


Hello holancz, layouts are stored in a local databse. You may backup it if you open the settings item from the menu bar. You'll find a button to backup or even restore the database.

*.mbp files exist only if you export the layout for versioning purpose as example.

I let more experimented users to reply at your other questions.

Have a nice day.


  Am 21.12.2021 um 22:31 schrieb Dad3353:

Good evening...

I'm too new at this myself to answer all of those questions, but I may be able to help with the 'Blender' part. MBS can import 'glb' or 'gltf' files quite easily, and Blender does a good job for modelling buildings and more. Try a fairly simple thing at first, just to get a feel for it. One important point to note : any Material files have to have their pixel size (height x width...) as a 'power of two'; that's to say able to be calculated just by doubling up. Typical examples would be 'Png' or 'Jpg' files, 512 x 512, or 4096 x 4096. Non-square works too, as long as both sides are 'power of two', such as 128 x 512, or any other combination.
Here's some screenshots that show the settings that I use; they may not be optimum for all things, but they work well for me. There's much to say about Textures, UV mapping, lighting effects and animations, but that would have to be in later posts. Is this enough for the moment..?

(As this is a German-based Forum, I like to double up my posts with a Google translation, as a sort of polite gesture towards other readers; I have no knowledge of German, myself...)


Good morning Dad3353,

thank you for quite nice reply. I´m quite familiar with Blender and modelling for XP11 - where rule "power of two" also apply but in addition there is 1 model = max 1 texture, which can be sometimes quite limited. First I will try to export some of my blends to gltf as yoi suggesting and walk a way to get a model to MBS. Thanks for you screens, they will be a big help for my first tryouts. 

Concerning German - sometimes I use google translator, but I have my doubts about results. Translation of English to German probably results to some "funny German".

  Am 22.12.2021 um 08:23 schrieb MichelLombart:

Hello olancz, layouts are stored in a local databse. You may backup it if you open the settings item from the menu bar. You'll find a button to backup or even restore the database.

*.mbp files exist only if you export the layout for versioning purpose as example.


Good mornig Michael, thanks for interesting info. By coincidence do you know a physical place where MBS database is stored. After work I look info the program folder and into the MBS program folder in LocalApp, where i expected some file with recent date of creation or update, but no luck... *.mbp issue is now totally clear for me. Thanks.

Thank you all for your patience and replies and I wish you a nice and calm seasonal holiday.


  Am 22.12.2021 um 10:53 schrieb holancz:

Concerning German - sometimes I use google translator, but I have my doubts about results.


Probiere mal deepl translator aus. Der ist tausend mal besser als google translator.

Try deepl translator. It is a thousand times better than google translator.


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