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Layer - height / height restriction

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Hello, can somebody give me some explanation about using height and height restriction in layers ? Or a link to a previous topic.
Hallo, kann mir jemand etwas über die Verwendung von Höhe und Höhenbeschränkung in Ebenen erklären? Oder einen Link zu einem vorherigen Thema.
Regards. Grüße, Herman


Bearbeitet von Herman
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The link is very helpfull, I knew the most, but it gives also a clearer view on height / restriction. Thanks. Herman
Der Link ist sehr hilfreich, ich wusste das meiste, aber es gibt auch einen klareren Blick auf Höhe / Beschränkung. Danke! Herman

Bearbeitet von Herman
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Just reading this, and I have a feeling it might solve your problem of positioning things at different heights:


Furthermore, the height of an active level is taken into account when placing components. There are the following rules:

  • If the plane has no height constraint, new parts are created at height 0. If automatic height adjustment is activated, objects are positioned on the highest floor plate.
  • If the plane has a height constraint, new parts will be created at that height. If automatic height adjustment is activated, objects are positioned on the base plate, which itself is above the active level and also below the next higher level. This allows components to be positioned on floor panels below other floor panels.

The text was automatically translated from German by Firefox so the word choices are a bit off, but the message is that if you create a layer with a height limit equal to the height of the platform and set it as the default, all objects you add to the layer will go at that height.

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