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Hi all.

I'm trying to get passengers to go up and down with the elevator on the "Transition Elevator".

I know it can be done with the B5 elevator car, because the car is a separate object so attaching the passengers to the car makes them move with it. But the "Transition Elevator" is all one unit, so attaching the passenger doesn't work!


Am I missing something, or is this just not possible?

  • 9 Monate später...

Ran into the same problem ....

There is an animation option that causes the windows to go opaque.

So what I did just to do something was, when the doors close the glass goes opaque the people disappear

when the doors open at the other end, the glass goes clear and the people appear (second identical set)

Not what I wanted, but all I could think of. Now, how do we get them to walk in and out ???

9 hours ago, Phrontistes said:

Maybe the layout B6CC6478-3AC5-448A-B553-0B7AF29185C5 by Eggu will help you if you want to know how to move people. There it is an escalator, which is even more complicated than an elevator.

I'm flabbergasted ..... Hats off to Eggu ... how did you even think and come up with that solution ... and where did the escalator come from ? 

Thanks Phrontistes for sharing that !

I've got to include that in my layout !!!!!!!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Am 27.8.2024 um 19:10 schrieb hmclay:

and where did the escalator come from ? 

53329B2B-0C12-4255-AB17-65DDF33DF51A (model by @fmkberlin)

And here one more layout with an elevator and many moving people:

FD750FBE-B0C0-4EE7-89AF-595B876C2DE3 (layout by @opax)

You should write names in this way: "Hats off to @Eggu". (Sign "@" and then type the frist letters:



Bearbeitet von Phrontistes
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Again thank you for the link to the layout of @opax

Great Layout and animation. Fascinating the way the people climb stairs. Never even gave that a though. Elevators with people going in/out + up/down is the way to do it.

That layout gave me a lot of ideas. Some people are so clever and creative !!!!

Also thanks for the heads up on posting members names. I was wondering how that was accomplished.

But how do I omit the @  @hmclay

Bearbeitet von hmclay
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