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Alle erstellten Inhalte von arnyto

  1. @Dad3353 i just send you an email thanks! And i send a email to the 3d Modelbahn to help me with this little problem of DM
  2. No no i buy the V5, V6 and two weeks ago the V7!!
  3. La magie apparement a un probleme avec moi! Quand je survole votre avatar et votre nom moi je n'ai que cela! bizarre
  4. Perfect i can t just find where i can send you an DM here! Send me one and i answer
  5. alors mon niveau avec Blender est tres faible mais avec les fichiers je peux faire des tests effectivement et voir comment avancer avec toi avec plaisir!! merci et je vais de ce pas installer de nouveau blender!
  6. Ok ok i see that you have done a very good job and yes there will be some little thing to corect bu its already beautiful! For the light in the train in the picture you can see that the windows are quiete dark. For the textur file try to create a texture template and we can see what can be change or not. And can you put some "logo on the different version as region" or like in the picture.
  7. What a good job and i am very that your first model is based on this french model! When i see you video i just have some question? There possible to turn off the light inside the train ? it s seems very shiny? And in the cockpit we can see some light blue. Tell me if i can help you with picture of real model like this for the color textur or other things...
  8. What a great jo you have done!!! I very happy to see that! For the textur we will see and for the variations, i will help tyou if you want but it's for the big part some color change only... Bravo bravo!!
  9. Hello @Dad3353 how are you? What's new in your beautiful french model project?
  10. Hello @HWB i have a question? Is it possible to you when you have convert this model to autorize the custom textur? So i can create more reel models with this. Thanks
  11. helo @Neo @HWB we can imagine some "pack" and we can download with a simple we transfer link. no? or with a google drive with control access for member only!? it s an idée because more i see the beautiful catalog of you herman the more i am jalous
  12. Ohhhhh it looks nice @HWB
  13. hello @HWB, another question or wish, In your long list of train and free models, do you have this for wood? Full and empty to create some good things thanks a lot
  14. hello @HWB is it possible to have these beautiful models like TGV THalys... Thanks a lot
  15. @HWB hello! What do you think about create some pack with models with prmission who has already convert in the game, and we can download and play with i we vant. Other question, I want to learn the conversion with the 9 step to convert! but i must have MSTS 2010? or i can install recent version? We can convert all recent models from MSTS or only the 2010 version? Thanks
  16. Hello @HWB you mean that only the MS train Simulator 2001 trains models can works here? So we can t convert some recent models? And i have a question, It will be possible to you to give us to download a pack of models that you have autorisation and you have already convert? thanks a lot for your works! and i don t lost hope to help you to convert some models
  17. Hello, @HWB Thanks for your answer, but i can t find Shape Converter and Shape Viewer online. Ican t start with a msts model download online? I have to install Train simulator.? I spoke with this creator and i will be happy to have these creations into our game. This is en exemple. Can you tell me if this models can be convert and if it s complicate or not and after that, i will do the conversion with him for the others models. https://ajrailsim.pierreg.org/krs_scr/RRR_program1.jpg You can see that he has creating a lot of beautiful things! thanks
  18. @HWB Hello! I have one question, when you have a MSTS file (a wagon for exemple) with the creator autorisation, what do you do to convert it for the game? I want to try! Can you help me?! thanks
  19. @HWB I just put the car in the game and its really good! For several models its good without animation, but can you just open the textur file, And after i can change it or it s not possible?
  20. comme cela par exemple? http://www.le-train-virtuel.net/Page_Web_Or/Page_Voiture_Pilote_Cor_Or.html
  21. donc tous ce qu il y a sur ce site c'est ok pour l'adapter dans notre jeu?
  22. @HWB yes i understand that but "Bonjour, Vous pouvez adapter mes modèles avec votre logiciel. Si c'est possible, pouvez-vous m'envoyer les fichiers CabView de votre version néerlandaise ? ( Ma série 1100 est équipée d'une cabine française !!! ) Merci." looks like an autorisation ?
  23. IT S christmas!!!!!! I m very happy to think that the TGV and a lot of french models, european Wagon will be in the game !!!!
  24. Hello @HWB I don t understand, the TGV and Thalys are already convert in the game in your pictures!? So it mean that we can have it ? I m so exciting about french material and TGV...
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