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Alle erstellten Inhalte von arnyto

  1. hallo Hermann, ich verstehe dann ich hoffe, dass du diese Einigung hast, denn es ist der erste Schritt aber es ist der wichtigste, denn sonst wären das alles nur unantastbare Bilder! :) Auf Wiedersehen!
  2. Hallo, ich habe eine Frage. Wenn ich all diese schönen Modelle sehe, möchte ich mit ihnen spielen! Ist es also kompliziert, sie in das Spiel zu integrieren? Und wie man es macht, denn wenn es darum geht, sie zu konvertieren, kann ich es versuchen, aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich anfangen soll.
  3. Hallo, es ist wirklich frustrierend, all diese schönen Modelle zu sehen und sie nicht im Spielekatalog haben oder importieren zu können. Denn offensichtlich wollen wir damit spielen !! Grüße
  4. Wouaw nice!!! and we can have it on the game? thanks
  5. hello @Dad3353how are you? what s news about the famous train? do you need help or info?
  6. Hello yes i totally understand, i said th
  7. Cool, thanks, if you have time can you do a "ballast" version or if we can upload the textur of your creation i can do several version and after i give to everyone here the different version i will create. thanks
  8. hello @hubert.visschedijk what a gret job again!! A question is it possible ti create a verison with ballast or rocks inside, a full verison. And this possible to export the textur file to create some dirty version or other? thnaks a lot
  9. Hello everyone, one of the more simple way to unload wagon is with the truck (in french it s call SAUTERELLE truck) And with this kind of wagon it s simple to do the transfer train to truck! It s anoth idea for the game in the future Thanks everyone for your creations and keep going your good job!!
  10. hello @Dad3353 what a good job! I upload the model in the game to see and inside the cockpit we can see the back of the outside texture. I think you can create a cockpit wall or maybe there is an option thanks again and tell me if i can help.
  11. arnyto

    Modelle von HWB

    Hello, i m very happy to read the last messages! If you want when you have publish the model, i can create different textur version qith the textur file. And after i give it to everyone!
  12. arnyto

    Modelle von HWB

    hello a another good model @Dad3353, If it's possible can we modify the textur file when it will be in the game, it will be vrey classy and i can create another textur and version. And please don t stop creating the french model
  13. arnyto

    Modelle von HWB

  14. arnyto

    Modelle von HWB

    Ok, if you want i can send him an email to ask him, or you prefer ask him directly? thanks again
  15. arnyto

    Modelle von HWB

    hello @HWB i just want to know if these models on your pictures are free to ply on the game, because i like that thanks a lot
  16. @Dad3353 here you can find some help and keep going!!
  17. @Dad3353 i love this tain I hope your can progress on this beautiful conception!! I can t wait to play with this in the game
  18. @maxwei bravo bravo bravo!!!!!!
  19. hello @HWB can you upload your class223 model on the game? Because i miss it already thanks a lot
  20. Hello @maxwei Your version is better i see that this Traxx got a lot of delivery! I see the captrain and many more Thanks again for your creation! It's not a french model but i like it https://railcolornews.com/wp-content/uploads/Bombardier-TRAXX-DC_Captrain-253-103_Railcolor-News_3032.jpg?w=640
  21. Hello everyo,e and congratulations @maxwei for your new beautiful model!! It s a real pleasure to have the possibility to create some new skin and i have already do i quick test for fun
  22. ok so i have to wait a final version to put in the game? I already miss this train
  23. hello today the modela of city voyager are gone!it s normal?
  24. Hello @David Teide what a beautiful car loading!!!! I'm looking for that wagon for a long time!! Do you want to share with us on the MBS? I will love ad it on my project! thanks again and very good job again!
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