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Alle erstellten Inhalte von arnyto

  1. arnyto


    hello everyone ! Today i have the idea to create some decoration for the french corail! here some exemple of these decoration file
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  2. hello, yes the model of Bahnland is a classic but now we this the model of hubert all over in europe with different colors!! It will have a very good place in the V6 catalog!! bye everyone!
  3. hello bahnland, and congratulation for your models!! I see your long distance and i love it!! Do you have the idea to create a pilot car for these models? I think it s miss in the V6 and after we can make a lot of delivery and i can help you for that! Thanks and have a good day
  4. Hello quick question, There are some new train models or other with the new version ? Thanks a lot
  5. arnyto

    Modelle von HWB

    hello yes you re right. And you don't want to upload in the game?
  6. your train looks like this one and i love to see it in the game or in my train station! Can you make it possible? Thnaks a lot
  7. Hello, last thing, if i have the V5 there is a discount to go tu the v6?
  8. Hello everyone, i have a little question, There are some new train model with the new version?
  9. Hello @HWB, i have a question! In your picture i see a beautiful white and purple express train! Is it in the game? i love it !!!
  10. hello what a nice model!! Can you upload in the game? because i love to see in the game!!! Beautiful work!!!!
  11. arnyto


    Hello to all, the end lanterns of convoys are above all there to materialize the end of a train and thus show that no wagon is detached, Without this we will not know immediately if a wagon is not alone detached on the rails
  12. arnyto


    yes i see that but they looks old no?
  13. arnyto


    hello to all I would like to know if it would be possible to create an end of convoys lantern to make the trains even more realistic! Thanks to all
  14. Youpi the V6! If i read good on the v6 we can change the texture of all the models of the game? Thnaks for the good job and i will be happy to see that new version
  15. But the big question is..... When will arrive the V6!!!?
  16. arnyto

    Regional train

    Hello everyone, i m looking for a new modern inter regional train! I can help and give some images and stuffs. What do you think about it? There are some already in the game, but we can t change the texture, so i can give it a new version! Thanks and have a good week end
  17. arnyto


    @top rrrroller Das ist ein toller Eisenbahnwagen!!Ich mag es, auf meinem Netz Gleisarbeiten zu machen, es wird perfekt sein:) Sie haben eine Menge neue Flachwagen! werden sie im Spiel verfügbar sein?Bravo hat Sie
  18. arnyto


    Bonjour superbe ce wagon porte rail!!! Moi qui aime faire des travaux de voie sur mon reseau il sera parfait VOus avez beaucoup de wagon plats inédit et seront ils dispo dans le jeu?
  19. bonjour, sera t il possible d'avoir ce complexe cerealier dans le jeu? bravo il est superbe!!!
  20. thanks a lor!!!! And now what are you on your beautiful model list ?
  21. bonjour, very nice this agricole complex!!! I will enjoy it in the game bravo!!!
  22. arnyto


    hello @Reinhard oui je sais bien mais je m adressais a toute la communauté, car peut être que d autres personnes ont découvert ces trains et ne les connaissaient pas! Je sais bien entendu que votre liste est très longue et je ne veux pas l allonger encore mais d'autres constructeurs ici cherchent peut etre de nouvelles choses a construire! a bientot et bon courage a tous
  23. arnyto


    bonjour a tous, ce type de materiel est tres important car cette voiture pilote permet de rendre reversible toutes les rames voyageurs! Si quelqu'un ici a deja créee une voiture eurofima, il serait plus simple d en faire une version pilote! Merci a tous les createurs et concepteurs et si vous avez besoin d infos ou d aides, je serais la!!!
  24. hello @Reinhard and i know you have a pretty long list I really love to see Talen 2 and other city train because there so much reversible modern train in the game but there are very present in real life:) I will wait to your beautiful creation as usual and if i can help you tell me!! thanks
  25. Bonjour a tous, voici le REGIO 2N le nouveau roi des rails en France et ailleurs aussi construit par Bombardier Cela serait super de l'avoir dans le jeu et je peux aider a trouver encore plus d'infos et participer a la conception de la décoration des différentes livrées! Merci a tous
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