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Software to convert, sketchup export file to .mbe ?
arnyto hat Thema erstellt in Modellbau mit externen Programmen
Hello i couldn t find a software to convert my files. I have a Sketchup model, i can export to .3ds or other but after that i can t find to convert the .3ds to .mbe can you help me ?? thanks -
Hello it's a good good start! Bravo Don't forget to create a texture file that we can export in the game. In this way we can create new texture and i will create the differentes variant and delivery for you !
Cool thanks @Dad3353 to try to create it in the game! It s a beautiful french train! I can help you with the textur if you want! this train can modulate the number of car! It exist in 5,6,7,8 wagons
Oh yes it s beautiful but THE question is what can i do to convert in the MBS and take a place in my world
Oh course if i learn to build that, now i am learn about texturing! One step at the time. But i see this model in this forum build by someone but not publish in the game! Is that i put the demand, i will know who have this bye
Hello everyone, i don t remember the autor but i had see the class 223 build by one of you I love to play with this regional model It could be by @Herman or @HWB or @hubert.visschedijk ?? Thanks a lot!
Good morning all, I would like to build a car factory on my network so I would like to have some recent vehicles of the same make or group. Audis, Volkswagen, BMW, Peugeot, Opel. If anyone wants to do this, that would be great! Thanks everyone! And of course and new car carriers are coming, it will be even better :)
@hubert.visschedijk i can wait ... but 2022!!??? What a loooong list Wha son your list i m curious Thanks
Hello everyone and happy new year I looking for this kind of wagon very popular in Europe! @hubert.visschedijk its the same base that the cereal wagon you have create!,?? So if anyone want to ply with this pretty wagon lets go Thanks a lot
hello there is a possibility that you can create a the end a protection like this on the car and on several models to create a new protect model for transportation? Its just a white cover to protect the car! Thanks a lot
+1 for the DB classe 423!!! With the possibility to change the texture file
Hello now we have some new wagon with car i want to know if anyone here can create or put some protection on cars already exist in the game. It will give a modern touch for the train It just some paper or plastic on the car to protect her when it s on the train! thanks a lot to everyone! And in 2021 i will begin to create myself and learn about 3d tools
Hello, i create a lot of texturs for the french corail and now in my train station i miss the pilot car for the french train. I will love to create this but i m better in photoshop for the texturs! @bahnland, the DB version is good too
hello et congratulations for yours models! I put a french textur on your model to create the french "fourgon" for bikes for exemple.
Hello everyone! I just want to know who create these wagon on the picture and i want to know if it will possible to have it to play in the game Thanks a lot!!
what a beautiful job you have done again!!! If you want some new idea for you, i have the BB75000 in my head for a long time thanks again
Hello everyone, i hope you doing fine! I looking for this kind of wagon very present in the reel life but not in the game! But i think i see it in pictures of members, so it is possible to share it in the game or if anyone want to create it, it would be nice! Thanks again I can find some technical file if you want to help
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hello @HWB how are you? in your recent catalogu i like a lot of models but if i have to take one it will be the class 223 city voyager and i can help you with the textur or crete some new !
Hello everybody! I create some new collection for the french corail! For each one you have a clean and a dirty version and some graffitis on several corail If you like it i can send you the jpg files in a zip! Have a good day
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Hello what a catalog !!! i sent you a message to ask you something. thanks a lot
Hello @maxwei how are you? I have an another wish, can you make these 2 versions of the bb 63000? I give you some pictures to help you and if you vant more stuff, tell me! Thanks again