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automated turntable


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Hi there, could someone please help with this. I want to automate the turntable on my layout, i can manually click it to turn it by one section at a time in one direction only. How can i set it up to turn and stop in either direction automatically? I have seen some layouts where this has been done but cannot work out how its acheived.

Yours hopefully


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Hi Martin,

do you want to use the turntable of the MBS as a railway... then yuo can handle it with the Event Management (same like a points / switch)

... or do you want to use a turntable as a modell from the catalog... then you only can handle it with a plugin (and the Event Management.) i.e. "MBS-Drehen-EV".


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4 hours ago, EASY said:

Hi Martin,

do you want to use the turntable of the MBS as a railway... then yuo can handle it with the Event Management (same like a points / switch)

... or do you want to use a turntable as a modell from the catalog... then you only can handle it with a plugin (and the Event Management.) i.e. "MBS-Drehen-EV".


Thats exactly what i was after!!!! I used the plugin for the animation effect, and it is just what i was after. Little bit of tinkering and got it worked out. THANKS :)

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