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Hello Everyone!

Is is possible to save EDITED tracks (NOT tracks created using 3D MODELS -> NEW -> TRACK.) ?

I set them outside the "Bodenplatte" and I use copy and paste to put them in my layout. The DEMO version at the time would not allow me to use 3D MODELS -> NEW -> TRACK ... that is why I used the EDIT command of existing tracks to "create" my N 55 tracks. I would love to save those edited tracks in my library/catalog but I don't know if that is possible now that I have bought the PRO version.


Many thanks !



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Hi Oliver,

Mark your edited track (i named it "MyTrack")...

... then open in the topmenue "Catalog" -> "New" -> "3D modells" -> "Selection"...

... in the next window choose "Next"...

... in the next window you can change then "Name" and the "Discription" of your track...
and choose the "Category" where you want to save your track and "Save"

Note: You can not make a new categorie.

Kind regards,

Edited by EASY
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  • 2 weeks later...

They are on the way :)  I must only compare the dimensions

regards, Henry

P.S #3.: Upload completed. Curved turnouts are now included at this state. Please report unusual differences in the track layout .

Edited by Henry
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"Upload completed"..... I am not sure what you mean dear Henry because I cannot see anything in the folders in question. (beside the tracks I had edited myself the very first time I bought and used 3DTS and that I had saved). Do I need to do anything to see your uploads ?

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