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Problem Gleisbelegung Status und Variablen

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Hey Leute, bin langsam am verzweifeln. Hab schon einiges versucht aber irgendwie klappt es nicht.

Und zwar.... ich habe ein Countdown laufen der ständig mir per Lampe den Zustand des Gleises angibt (Belegt/rot oder Frei/grün)

nun möchte ich ohne weitere EV´s (betritt ein Gleis) usw noch ein Beschriftung setzen welcher Zug sich auf dem Gleis befindet bzw ob das gleis Frei ist.

Das mit dem Frei ist ganz einfach aber wie bekomme ich das hin mit dem Countdown das er mir zeig sobald das Gleis belegt ist welche Lok da drauf steht?

mit "$_trigger1._name funktioniert es nicht da ja das auf den Coundown bezogen ist und nicht auf die Lok.

Fals ich falsch liege korrigiert mich bitte.


Eine zweite frage hätte ich noch zu den Variablen, wie kann ich ein variable in ein Objekt einschreiben.

z.B Lok "6100" betritt das gleis "Gleis 8/1" und soll seine momentan Geschwindigkeit oder seinen Namen in das Signal "Signal 7" mit dem Variablen Namen "Speed" oder Namen schreiben. 


Danke im Vorraus

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Hallo Neumann,

Du musst schon beim Betreten vom Gleis (zB "ABC") eine Variable mit dem Loknamen setzen (zB Variable "ABC_LOK" mit "$_Trigger1._name" versehen). Jeder Zug, der jetzt das Gleis "ABC" betritt, setzt die Variable "ABC_LOK". Countdown endet --> Gleis NICHT besetzt --> FREI; Gleis besetzt --> Anzeige ABC_LOK.

Frage2: Noch einfacher: Zug betritt Gleis 8/1 --> Variable "Signal_7.Speed" mit "$_Trigger1._currentspeed" setzen oder "Signal_7.Lokname" mit "$_Trigger1._name" versehen.



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Using Google translate I can guess that this is VERY interesting. 

Do you use (menu) EXTRAS -> EVENT CONTROL and then enter such data in ACTIVE TIMERS AND VARIABLES ?

Some examples in English and maybe a couple of screenshots would be a dream for us here in the USA so that we can fully understand and enjoy 3DTS.


Many thanks for taking the time to read my post.





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Hello Oliver,

if you open the "Event Control" window while the animation of your layout is running (active), this animation will be temporarily stopped until you close the "Event Control" window again. Selecting "Active timers and variables", you get a list of all global and object-specific variables and their values, which are currently defined for this layout. The list of "active timers" shows all timers which are currently started but not yet terminated (which have currently not reached time-out).

This information is primarily useful if you try to diagnose the behavior of your event control definition.

From this point of view, you can delete existing variables or change their values, and you can add new variables. Active timers from the other list can be selected for modifying the displayed duration or for stopping them.

If you change the duration of an active timer, the new value will be interpreted as the new remaining time until the timer will expire after the animation is continued. This doesn't change the duration time specified in the timer specification of the event control. If you stop an active timer of this list, the time-out event of this timer doesn't occur, because the timer is cancelled but not expired. To force the expiration just at the time when the "Event Control" window is closed, modify the (remaining) duration value to "0".

Many greetings

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BahnLand I cannot thank you enough for all your help! 3DTS really needs to hire you to translate all the HELP features in English. It is very frustrating sometimes not to understand what to do because of the language. For instance I cannot use any plugins because I don't understand anything at what they do (that's a pity!). Thanks God for people like you who take the time to explain in English because I LOVE 3DTS !!








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Hi Oliver,

I have noticed that you and all modell railroaders in the USA will need some examples in english. I will try to work it out - please be patient.

regards. Henry

P.S. I use IM-Translator with firefox.. It is a good idea to form simple sentences to get good translations. Not perfect - but often good enough

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Hello Oliver,

vor 12 Stunden schrieb lys_knight:

BahnLand I cannot thank you enough for all your help! 3DTS really needs to hire you to translate all the HELP features in English.

thank you very much for your enthusiasm. But I'm sorry, that I must disappoint you. My English is not so good as it seems. I'm permanently looking for matching phrases by the tool "http://dict.leo.org", what makes the formulation of my thoughts in English very painful. Therefore I'm not able to translate the HELP features to the English language.

Many greetings

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