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Hello Curt,

it's an excellent tutorial video - also very good understandable for German users with rudimentary Englsh skills.

Congratulation !!! (y)

Many greetings

Bearbeitet von BahnLand
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hello Curt,

after watching your first tutorial, I'd like to inform you about a neat copying trick in the MBS:

Select an item, hold down the ALT key and then drag the selected item away a bit. You'll find that you don't drag the original item, but instead a copy of that item.

Better still: You can do this with groups too. You can for instance build half an oval, block-select it, drag a copy out (by holding down the ALT key), spin the copied block 180° and bring it close to the original half to make it snap in. The result is a complete and joined up oval.

Here's a short video (without sound) demonstrating the procedure:
ALT key copying in MBS

Whenever the gismo disappears, I'm holding down the ALT key.

Bearbeitet von Goetz
  • 2 Wochen später...

Hi Curt,

... well done !

.... most time i do not need the sound to understand what to do...
...  in German we say "Bilder sagen mehr als tausend Worte" (Pictures say more than a thousand words)... this is true for your videos


  • 2 Monate später...
  • 1 Monat später...

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