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Add rails to own sketchup road model

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Sorry i send you this mail in english but I don't know any German.

I want to make my own roads and I succeded in making one already. see the pics in Sketchup and in TS4

Can anyone explain to me how to add rails in my sketchup model so when i import and place the street in TS4, any vehicle can run on the hidden streets?

Thx in advance



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Hello @raf.sonneville,

please load the already existing model "street"  from the online catalog (category "Online catalog --> Browse --> Street --> Streets --> City stretts as splines") onto your layout and then click to "Edit" within the properties window to study the "3D model setup" for this model. Here, you can see as "Route 0" the 3D model of the street. Select now "Route 1" and "Route 2" to see how the "virtual routes" (instead of "hidden rails") ar realized for TS4 streets. Use the "3D model setup" similarly to specify your own streets using your self-made Sketchup models when uploading them into the TS4 model catalog as "track/street" model.

Many greetings

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  • 2 Wochen später...
Am ‎20‎/‎01‎/‎2018 um 07:44 schrieb raf.sonneville:


Sorry i send you this mail in english but I don't know any German.

I want to make my own roads and I succeded in making one already. see the pics in Sketchup and in TS4

Can anyone explain to me how to add rails in my sketchup model so when i import and place the street in TS4, any vehicle can run on the hidden streets?

Thx in advance



Raf, i see that  in your model you have used tangram´s.

No need for those with splines...

Greetings !

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