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Posted (edited)

If you have a slope which is curved the end of the slope may not be level. You can use a "twisted" track to correct this.


You can make a "twisted" track using the track editor:

Stage 1: Create six routes as follows


Stage 2: Create two switch positions. Switch 0 actives Routes 0,1,2,3,4,5,6. Switch 1 also activates Routes 0,1,2,3,4,5,6

PLEASE NOTE: Edit: Bahnland has kindly told me that stage 2 in NOT NEEDED - so please ignore it!


(I am grateful to Goetz for this idea - I learnt this from studying one of his Points designs)

That's all you need to do. I know that you could achieve the same by using a group of 7 tracks but I think this is a neater method.Twisted tracks.mbp

Best wishes to all


Edited by Eric Danvers
Stage 2 is not needed

Hi Eric,

its a fascinating idea to correct slope mismatches with twisted tracks. But in your presented example layout, I would prefer to split the curved track into many short pieces to avoid a too hard slope mismatch. Why did you specify the 2 (identical) switch positions? If there is no switch activity intended, you don't need any switch position definition. If there exists no switch position definition, all routes of the track are always active. Therefore, your "twisted tracks" also are operational without the switch position definitions.

I see another application or your "twisted track" in combination with elevated curves (see here and the complete thread there).

Many greetings


Posted (edited)

Hi Bahnland

1. Using the track editor to produce a curved slope is much easier than joining together small pieces of curved track with many different angles. Also the resulting 'cockpit' view is more pleasing. 

2. You are absolutely right about the switches - they are totally unnecessary. Thank you for pointing that out.

Many greetings


Twisted tracks without switches.mbp

Edited by Eric Danvers

Hi Eric

Yep i can see the point in "automation" of sloped tracks. Your idea is fine on straight tracks, although I would rather do it in 0.125 increments for smoother looks and rides (when using on board camera), but not that easy to use for curves, since you will also have to adjust the positions (X and Y) slightly on each track as the curve is progressed. Here I find it easier to use a scaled down (0.1) loco and Alt+LMC (copying an object on the spot) for spreading the tracks out with the subsequent task to manually keying in the rotation only.




Hi Tom

You said "Here I find it easier to use a scaled down (0.1) loco ... for spreading the tracks out"  

I am intrigued! I cannot scale a loco. When on the track the loco will not scale. When off the track it will scale to 0.1, but as soon as I put it on the track it re-scales itself to 1




Hi Eric,

you can deactivate the "Automatic scaling" within the property window of each vehicle model:


Then, your individual scale factor remains valid after placing the vehicle onto the track.

;Many greetings

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