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French train


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Hello arnyto, if i'm right with the Translation (made by Google) , i don't speak French, you asked for the Program to make your own Models.

The Answer is: Blender (for me) but some other guys here work with Sketchup, depends on your preferences, take a look at both programs and decide for your own.

greetz max

PS: It would be easier( for me) to write in english, if possible.

Bearbeitet von maxwei
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Hello @arnyto,

there are some models within the game which support exchangeable textures. Here, the user can download the original texture to modify it and then to assign the new texture to the model. So, you can modify the outfit of this model. But the most models do not support this feature - especially the locomotive from the picture above. So you cannot repaint this locomotive.


The models which support to exchange the texture can be recognized by the feature marked in the picture above as long the model is marked on the layout.

Many greetings

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Hello @arnyto,

vor 1 Stunde schrieb arnyto:

Another thing if i see a model here create by someone, can i upload into the game and how?

yes, you can.
Please look to the Wiki here.

If you don't understand German, please use any translator e.g.like DeepL translator. The input file must be in DirectX format (x-file) or in  glTF-2.0 format fpr upload into the Train Studio. If you ant to make your uploaded models available for other users, the models must satify some conditions which you also can find witthin the Wiki.You must ask then @Neo (the programmer of this game) for enabling you for publishing own models in the Train Studio.

Many greetings 

Bearbeitet von BahnLand
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